Chapter 11

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Henry's POV

Me and Charlotte are having a proper conversation on the phone right now. No lies or anger is involved in this one, just forgiveness and happiness, like the ones we used to have. Charlotte counties the conversation, "Henry, I-" what? Where did she go? "Charlotte? Hello?" I can hear a faint scream on the other line... wait, that's Charlotte! Charlotte is in trouble! Oh no...Luke! What has he done to her! I grab a weapon and try to run as fast as I can without tripping to the tubes. When I reach the end of the tubes, I check my messages with Charlotte to see where she was having dinner with Luke... ok found it- Italian place near Swellview sign... Oh! I know where that is! That's only a few minutes from here- wait, more like a few seconds! I better get there soon before he even lays hands on Charlotte!

Charlottes POV

I get a better look at who took me here and it's... Luke? What the heck?! He took me to the abandoned part of the restaurant and I now fully take in what's happening... he is a criminal! Henry was right all along! Oh my gosh, how could this be? The loving, kindhearted Luke I knew turned out to be the liar. "Luke?" I confusingly ask. "Sure hope so, sweetheart." Oh please, I ain't his sweetheart! "Why did you bring me here? More importantly, why did you lie to me? To everyone?" I said, sounding disappointed in him. "You and your friends are just dumb. I only dated you so I could fit in at that stupid school of yours. I used you so I could test out my fathers new experiment." I felt small tears in my eyes now. It was all fake? Fake love? Lies? "Do you like it?" He said devilishly, turning the weapon on many different angles for me to see. "Wow Luke, it's gorgeous,"I said sarcastically. He got mad and prepared to shoot me. My eyes widened and I took a step back. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I immediately got startled. I look back, and to my surprise, it's Henry! Well, more like Kid Danger. He pulled me behind him so I would be safe. "Not today, buddy." Kid Danger said, a bit too confidently. Is he trying to impress me? "Oh, kid danger! Glad you joined little-miss-gullible over here! How about I test the new weapon on both of you," Luke held his weapon up ready to shoot, but Kid Danger  started talking, "I just want to know one thing," Kid Danger looked back at me, then back to Luke, "why?" Kid Danger simply stated. "What?" Luke said, with a scrunched up look on his face. "Why did you pretend to be someone your not?" Luke rolled his eyes. "In what way?" "How about pretending to be my- I mean people's friend? And how about you lied to everyone by saying your a 'good person', and lastly, why would you pretend to date Cha- I mean... this girl?" Kid Danger looked Luke in the eyes. "Wait, how do you know all this?" He asked Kid Danger. "I have my ways" Henry looked back at me and winked.
Luke stared right back at Kid danger with harsh eyes. "Well it was simple really, just lies. Oh and for the girlfriend one," he paused and took a step closer to me, "I never loved you. And trust me, no one ever will." My heart is shattered. No one will ever love me? Is that what people think of me? The forgotten un-loved girl? Henry had lost it now, he was beating up the guy like there was no tomorrow! I was thankful for Henry, but those words just kept playing over and over in my head like a broken record, no one will ever love you, no one will ever love you, no one will eve-
I was cut off by a big hug from Henry and he asked if I was ok. I said yes, even though I wasn't. No one will ever love you. It only took us like 35 seconds to walk to Junk N' Stuff from the restaurant. Right now, the cops are dealing with Luke. In the store I fidget around with a few things before Henry catches my attention. He has a smile the size of a watermelon slice on his face. I smile back and blush a bit. Henry walks closer to me and I face him. Does Henry love me? But... he can't because no one will love ever you.

Yay another chapter complete! The chapter before this one (the part 1) and this chapter (the part 2) I wrote on the same night! It is now past midnight and it is a weeknight plus have big tests tomorrow 😂 oh god I'm such a rebel!! What did u all think? Btw changed my username if anyone noticed + updated my book cover. Okie vote, comment and follow ❤️

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