Chapter 12

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Charlottes POV

I am still mentally recovering from what happened the other night with Luke. The pain of when I found out that the love he showed me was fake is still lingering in my mind. When he asked me out on dates, it was all an act. What about his brother, Jonathan, who drove us to our date that one night? What ever happened to him? I hope he's all good, you know, unless he is like his brother and father. Class is about to start soon. I'm at my locker by myself now. Jasper is with Sydney and Oliver preparing for a presentation on "How the first bucket came to be". What class is that even for?! Henry isn't at school yet. I hope he gets here soo- "Charlotte!" Henry comes booming from the school doors. Surprisingly, no one even pays any attention to him. I run up to him and we both embrace each other in a hug. We haven't seen each other since the night of the 'Luke incident'. We slightly pull away and he begins to talk, "how are you, you know, after all the stuff that's happened?" Should I tell him that it's really getting to me? "Um... you know, I've been better," well this is true. "Was it what he said?" Henry worryingly asked. "It was what he said, did, and lied about." Now I'm telling the complete truth. "Oh, Charlotte." We  hug again. "Henry, I'm so sorry." I suddenly feel really bad for him. "What for?" He asked curiously. "For everything. For making you be supportive of me and Luke, for pulling you into all this drama, and for not believing you even when you tried to help me." I feel his gaze on me so I look up to his brown, dreamy eyes. "Henry, you saved my life." I say softly. "Charlotte, your my best friend."

Henry's POV

When I said she was my best friend, I almost felt like I was lying. I think of her as more than a friend. I don't just like Charlotte, I love her. I need her to know that, but I'm so scared to tell her. Admitting your feelings to someone can always be hard, but they say it's better to face your fear than continue life with it. I don't want to go my whole life without her knowing how I truly feel. At the moment, Char is avoiding eye contact and looks depressed. I'm starting to wonder if what Luke said to her the other night is on her mind. He told her that he never loved her and no one will. But that's a lie. I love her. "Char, what's on your mind?" I dip my head trying to get in contact with her eyes. She looks up and I think I see a tear in her eye. "Are you really my best friend, or do you just put up the act?" Wait, what?! Is this a serious question? "Charlotte, why would I ever fake being your friend... Char don't let Luke get in your head." She smiled a bit, but didn't look convinced. "Char, please." I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers together. I almost forget we were in the locker area at school. I pull her out side to the front of the school where no one is. "Listen to me, Charlotte. You are the most beautiful and kind-hearted girl I have ever met. Any guy would be so lucky to have a friend like you. You are smart, sassy..." I stop and watch her smile grow wider as she looks at me talk. "Charlotte, you are absolutely perfect." We just stood there for a few seconds in the morning sunlight. "Luke told me no one would ever love me." She said as her smile shrunk again. That's it! I'm tired of hiding this! "Charlotte, I... I love you" she stared at me in awe. "Char, I think I'm in love." I suddenly blurt out the last part without thinking. Oh no, did I push it too far? What have I done?! Instead of Char running away (which I thought she would do), she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. "Henry... I love you too."

Hey guys! Yay they finally admit their feelings for each other! This may seem like the last chapter, but it's not. Just a few more chapters. Sorry this book didn't turn out very long😔I wanted to tell you all something. Ok, so I was thinking to myself the other day, you know how "Charlotte" is "Ch" but like "Sh"? Ok, so when I said "Chenry" I would go
"ch-enry". But I realised, if the "ch" is "Sh" in Charlotte, then wouldn't "Chenry" be pronounced "Shenry"?! Am I the only one that said chenry like ch instead of Sh?!? Comment below if u think Chenry Is pronounced ch-enry or Sh-enry⬇️⬇️  sorry for the English class y'all 😂❤️

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