Chapter 15

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Charlotte's POV

I come back to the man cave with our corn dogs, and I open the elevator door to see Ray, Jasper, Schwoz and Henry standing there, just staring at me. Henry is staring at me particularly weird. I don't know why, but he looks nervous. Maybe he wants to talk to me about the 'I love you' incident at school! Oh no, he didn't tell the guys, did he? "Is everything... alright with you guys?" I ask them, still not understanding what's happening with them. Boys, am I right! "Everything's fine with us! How about you?" Ray said, a bit too loud and perky. "Um... I got your corn dogs!" I said, showing them my tray full of them. "Right, how about we eat!" Ray said taking my tray and walking over to the couch. We all walked over to the couch quietly. We sat down and started eating. Honestly, the silence was not peaceful, it was awkward. If this was a movie, there would literally be crickets chirping in the background and tumble weeds rolling along the floor. It didn't take us long to demolish the corn dogs, but after we cleaned up, Schwoz said, "Ray, Jasper, I need you two to go...ummmm... go to the basement and look for my- my lotion!" Ray and Jasper looked at each other, then Jasper stated, "firstly, why would your lotion be in the basement, and secondly, why do we have to-" but Schwoz interrupted, "Just go to the basement and look for my lotion and I'll help you! Down stairs! Away from them!" Schwoz said motioning his head towards me and Henry for Ray and Jasper to see. Wait, why does Schwoz want them away from us? Don't tell me he's created another disease and we caught it! "Oooohhhh, yea!" Ray said while chuckling. What are they up to?
"Sure, Schwoz, lets go look!" Jasper then exclaimed. The three started to walk off, but Henry shouted back to them,"hey! What about us?" Henry referred to me and him. "You guys- just... ummmm... stay and talk! We'll be back soon, or not." Jasper whispered the last part before running off into the secret door. "But, Ja- ugh!" I said sadly. It's too late, I'm stuck now. I'm just standing on one side of the couch while Henry is standing on the other. Once again, it's just dead silence. I start fiddling with my necklace on my neck, which is what I do when I'm nervous. Right now, I am way more than nervous. Henry looks over at me. "Why are you nervous?" He startled me when he said this, I forgot he was here. "What?" I asked blankly. "You play with your necklace when you're nervous. What's there to be nervous about?" I could tell Henry regretted saying this to me, because he knew exactly why I was so nervous, and trust me, he was really nervous too. "I don't know... you." I said without thinking. "Wait, me?" Henry said pointing his finger at his chest, staring right at me as I stared at the floor in embarrassment. "Well, yea, you know, after what happened." I looked up at him and he was still staring at me. "When you said that you loved me, did you mean it? Or were you just... you know... caught up in the moment or something?" Henry asked me. Dear Lord, how am I meant to answer! "No, I- I meant it. I have liked you for a little bit now, you have been so protective of me and jealous in some ways, but I didn't realise the good that came out of it." I paused and didn't know how to continue. "What about you, do you love me too?" I say quietly, looking back at the floor. "I do- I... really do. I knew Luke was bad for you, which is why I was protective. With you spending all that time with Luke, I realised how I can't live without you and how I really do like you." He stopped and I looked up at him with a big, dumb smile on my face. We moved closer together since we were still standing on both sides of the couch. "Char, everything I've said to you was the truth, the only lie I ever told was that i liked you, because...

I love you, Char."

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while! Hope u liked this dramatic chapter, because there is only a few more to go. You know the jazz, vote, comment and follow 💞 bye beautifuls

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