Chapter 14

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Henry's POV

Right now, Jasper, Ray and I are in the man cave waiting for Charlotte to come back with our corn dogs. "So Ray, could you give me some advice on... you know, talking to Char about our feelings?" I don't know if it's the best idea to talk to Ray about girls, I mean, he can charm a girl, but he's never really had a successful relationship. "Of course! There is no one more experienced than me when it comes to girls!" Ray says boastfully. Me and Jasper look at each other and laugh. "What's so funny?!" Ray shouts in confusion. "Nothing... just-" I start laughing again. "When it comes to girls, Ray, you aren't really the best." Jasper finishes off for me. "But- uh- you-" Ray is lost for words. This just keeps getting more funny! "Anyway, seriously, guys, what should I do with Char?" I walk over to the couch in the man cave and sit down. "Listen, Hen, girls-" Ray is cut off by Schwoz entering through the secret door. "Oooh why are you talking about girls?" Schwoz said in his weird accent... it really annoys me sometimes. "Because, Henry has..." I try to stop Ray before he tells Schwoz, but it's too late. "... feelings for Charlotte." Dang it, Ray! "Ugghhh!" I moan out in frustration. I look up and put my hands over my face. "HA!" Schwoz shouted, pointing at me. "What?" I asked him. "I knew it! I knew it! I. Knew. It!" He sang. "Dude, you sound like Ray!" I pointed out to him. "Where is Charlotte? We need to celebrate your looovveeee!" Schwoz said while raising an eyebrow at me. He went around calling for Charlotte but Jasper stopped him. "She's not here." Jasper stated. "Why not?" "She went to buy corn dogs." I said. "Ooohhh, to celebrate!" Schwoz said excitedly. "NOO!" The three of us said together. "Anyways, back to what we were talking about before Schwoz came and ruined our conversation!" Ray said as his voice grew louder. Me and Ray were both sitting on the couch, while Jasper and Schwoz stood behind us. "As I was saying, girls are very sensitive so don't attack Char with words all of a sudden." Ray says. "Ok, but Charlotte isn't really sensitive... well, I don't know, she doesn't show it." I said while running my fingers through my hair. "Trust Ray on this. Girls. Are. Sensitive. Char may not show it at times, but she is." Jasper tells me. "So you guys are saying to just start slow? Like, don't mention 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend' straight away?" I asked, understanding what they are telling me. "Yea exactly! Maybe bring up what happened at school, and talk about your feelings. But not too much! That's just too girly." Ray looks me in the eye seriously. I chuckle at his determination. "So, should I ask her how she feels?" I asked. "Yea! Compliment her and stuff, 'cause girls like that, and just slowly lead up to the stage where you guys fall in love!" Jasper smiles as he says this. I think he is more excited than I am! "Ok, I think I've got it! I didn't think u guys would be much help, but I guess you were!" I cheerfully said to them. "No problem, kid." Ray said patting me on the back. "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment, or an insult." Jasper said to me and we both laughed. "So, Henry, when is your girl friend coming back?" Schwoz said to me. "Schwoz, she's not my girlfriend, and, I don't know, soon I guess." Just then, I heard the screams of Charlotte coming down the elevator. "I think your 'girl friend' is here now." Ray said, putting air quotes around 'girlfriend'. A million things run through my mind as we all stare at the elevator door. I have to face Charlotte properly. And talk to her. About feelings. Gross! But it would resolve our awkwardness plus I would get Charlotte back. What is she gonna say to me? I feel like the whole world is in slow motion at the moment. The elevator DINGS and my stomach starts to do cart wheels, just like how Oliver tried to do them before. I have never felt this way about a girl. Ever! Charlotte is pretty special to me, as you can see. The elevator door opens slightly. I feel like I've been standing here for an eternity. The elevator door opens more and more, and then I finally see Charlotte standing there. Why am I freaking out so much? Charlotte is my best friend... but that's the whole problem! My palms start to get sweaty and I feel like I'm not even in the room anymore, but what brings me back to reality is the sweet sound of Charlottes voice as she steps out of the elevator. "Hey guys!" She says, so calmly. Ok, let's do this...

Hey guys ❤️ I'm back with another chapter, as u have already seen. So I just wanna say thank u for helping me reach 4K reads! This chapter is sort of a filler, but not really. Not much happened in this chapter, yet a lot still did😂 idk I just felt like writing today! Pls guys vote, comment and follow me! Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'Lies'. Btw comment if u want Jonathan (Luke's older bro) to make a return! Luv ya all 💗

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