Chapter 16

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Charlottes POV

Oh my gosh. Henry hart loves me. The super cool, popular, extremely good looking guy that I have been best friends with nearly my entire life loves me... as more than a friend! We are still in the man cave, just staring at each other. My mind is absolutely blank right now. What am I meant to say to him? I'm just so happy I'm frozen. Without even realising, my hands were around his neck and his arms were around my back and we were just hugging. This hug was different to the ones me and Henry normally had, though. We were so close to each other. I was on my tippy toes and had my head on his shoulder, and he had his head on the top of my head. I never wanna let go, but eventually he pulled away, but not fully. He pulled away enough to look at my face. The more I look at him the more I am falling for him. I can't help but feel like I am the reason that we never admitted our feelings to each other until now.

Henry's POV

I'm staring into Charlottes brown, beautiful eyes, but I can't help but notice a glimpse of regret in them. "Char, what's wrong?" I asked her still in my embrace. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my feelings earlier." She said, looking down. "Char, you have nothing to be sorry for. I should have admitted my feeling for you earlier too. I guess I was too nervous." I wish I could have told Charlotte about my feelings for her a long time ago, but you don't even realise how scared I was. "Henry, I need to be sorry. With everything that happened with Luke, all the lies I thought you told me, I never realised how much was on my mind and I was too anxious to tell you about how I felt." Charlotte said looking back at me. Before she could say anything else, I did something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. I put my hand on her cheek and slowly pulled her towards me. I leaned in for the kiss and I felt Charlotte hesitate, but eventually kissed back. For Charlottes first kiss, she was a gooood kisser. She had now pulled me closer and put her hand on my neck. After around ten seconds or so, we both pulled away from the kiss. She just looked up at me and smiled. We put our foreheads together and I whispered to her, "I love you, Char." And she replied, "I love you too, Hen." Then she thought for a moment, then continued. "What does this make us?" To be honest, I didn't really know how to answer the question, but I can't leave her hanging. "Do you wanna be... my girlfriend?" I could tell she wasn't sure what to say, but being the girl that she is, she always has an answer. "I mean... only if you wanna be my boyfriend?" She smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'd love to be your boyfriend." I said to her. "Well then, i'd love to be your girlfriend." She said happily to me. Charlotte is my girlfriend. CHARLOTTE IS MY GIRLFRIEND! Wow, that sounds so weird! I never thought that this would actually happen, but I'm glad it did. Wait, what about the guys? They are gonna make fun of us soooo bad. "Um, Char, are we gonna tell the guys about us?" I asked nervously. "We don't need to. Let them have fun with their search for lotion in the basement at the moment. I don't think they are ready for this kind of news!" We both laughed at her comment. "How about we get out of here before they come back and tease us?" I smiled at Charlotte. "Sushi Dushi?" She asked. "Let's go." I said as I grabbed her hand. We walked up to the tubes and I got in the same tube as Charlotte. "I can go up the tube by myself, you know?" She said sarcastically. "I know, but remember that time a few years back, that time you figured out I was kid Danger and I brought you down here for the first time?" I asked. "Yea." She replied. "Let's do that again. Go up the tubes together." I said smirking at her. "Fine, but your paying for my sushi!" She said then laughed. She wrapped her arms around my waist and it reminded me of the old times. I wrapped my arms around her too, then said, "Yeah, whatever, up the tube!" And with that I was off with my girlfriend.

Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long to update, assignments and homework have really been bugging me lately. I'm pretty sure that this is the second last chapter in this book, so stay tuned for the rest. After this book I will be starting the Chenry book "losing you", but do u guys also think I should do a chenry / Jaele one shot book? Tell me in comments. And btw, are u guys happy char and hen are dating? 😂💗 FINALLYYYY! Ok guys, the next chapter of "lies" will be out probably next month which isn't that far away, luv u guys 💓 comment, vote and follow xxx

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