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                   HANA'S POV.


Me: eomma! I miss you so much! How old is jun?

Mom: I miss you too Hana bear!! Jun is 3! Hana you've been gone for only 2 years! How could you forget?

Me: sorry! It felt like more than 2 years! I can't wait to come back home!

Mom: me too! Just 3 more years!

Me: I know!

Mom: awww! You missed out on jun's first words too!

Me: really? What was it?

Mom: hana!

Me: awww I miss jun!!

Mom: he misses you too!

Me: eomma I have to go. I love you!

Mom: ok. Love you too!

Me: bye!

(End of call)

I glared at my 2 friends that just walked in. "Yah! Where were you two?! I've been waiting for 3 hours! Where's dean!?" I yelled. They laughed and jumped on me. I swear they treat me like a little baby.

One of my friend's have straight cute short hair and her name is amber. I love her so much but she can be a butt sometimes. My other friend is taeyeon. She has light pink hair and its wavy but beautiful! But she can also be a butt too.

She was always there to comfort me when I told her about me and my arranged marriage with him. I didn't tell them his name because it hurt to say it.

Anyway I met them two in college and Dean was there on the plane when I was going to New York. We both went to college and met taeyeon and amber.

"He's outside chasing a squirrel." I laughed so hard when she said that. "What?" I finally caught my breath and wiped away my tears. "Yeah he had a milk shake and suddenly the squirrel comes and runs by his feet, he dropped his shake and you should have heard him scream! Hahahah!" Amber laughed.

We all laughed together and finally finished to go down and meet up with Dean.


We managed to get Dean away from the squirrel and we all went to go study at a coffee shop since our exams are coming up.

We went out for ice cream for awhile and after that we parted our ways. I decided to walk to back to my dorm and they all went to go to the park.

While I was walking I looked to see two girls squealing and looking at a poster hung up on a pole. "Omo! Jungkook looks so hot! I can't wait to see him!" One girl said.

"Ahh! I'm gonna marry jungkook oppa." That name must have been popular then. I walked down the street back to my dorm and rested for the upcoming​ exams.

**3 years later**

I rolled my suitcase down to the airport and hugged taeyeon and amber goodbye. "I wish you two could come!" I said. "Sorry. Our parents are on a business trip and they won't be back until December. We'll see you in 6 months! We'll miss you!"

They both made hearts with their hands and I smiled and waves goodbye. Dean already left last year because he found out his scores early and he moved to Japan to start his career.

I boarded the flight and was ready to see my mom and jun.

*next day*

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