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Shifting from one side to another, I kept hearing giggles. Opening my eyes, I see Jun with the remote on his hands and his eyes on the TV, watching a cartoon.

Slowly getting up I walked by Jun and sat down on the floor with him. His eyes slowly landed on my and widened. "Noona! You scared me!" I laughed and he hugged me. "When did you get here?" He hummed and shrugged his shoulders and looked back at the TV.

"Don't be too loud ok? He's sleeping." I pointed at jungkook and he nodded. He then rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Noona, I'm tired." Nodding, I grabbed his hand and put him on the bed, next to jungkook.

Just as I was about to walk out to get some water, "Noona! Sleep next to me." I nodded and layed down beside him. Soon, we were all sleeping on a hospital bed.

Jungkooks pov.

Yawning I looked to see Hana sleeping peacefully, just then I felt something heavy on my waist. "Hello Hyung~" Jun said and yawned. "Oh, when did you get here?" "In the morning. The sun went up and I was watching TV. Noona told me not to wake you up." I chuckled at his cuteness. He looks so much like Hana. "Hyung, are you my Noona's boyfriend?" I smiled, "yes I am. Why?" "That means I can be with bts. Can I sing with you? You have a pretty voice."

"You're a fan? Who do you like?" I expect it to be me since I'm his sister's boyfriend. "V hyung." I pouted. "Why not me?"  "V hyung is silly." "But I'm silly too." "Yeah. But not as much as V hyung." "Yah!" He gasped and teased me. "You know I saved you?" "Mhm. Thank you hyung. But you aren't my favorite." I whined and he laughed. "Stop being a baby."

I gasped, "Me? I'm not a baby. You are!" "No I'm not! You still wear diapers! Baby!" "Stop calling me baby! You're a baby!" "No you are!" "No you are!"

"Noona!" "Hana!" We both said at the same time and she breathed in heavily as she turned over and opened her eyes. "Huh?" She rubbed her eyes and Jun turned over to her. "Noona? Hyung is bullying me." She gasped and looked at me. "N-no I'm not! He's bullying me!"

"Jungkook how could you do such a thing?" She hugged him and winked at me. I smiled and sat up. "Are you hungry?" She asks and Jun and I answered at the same time. "She was talking to me." Jun said. "No, she was talking to me." We both went on and on until she sighed and got out of bed.

"Where are you going?" We both said at the same time. "You both are so much alike. Anyway, I'm gonna go get some food. You both stop fighting and get along while I'm out." She grabbed her shoes and jacket and walked out.

Jun got off the bed and grabbed the remote. He changed the channel until he stopped and pointed at the screen. "Hyung, that's you!" I looked and saw that I was on the news. There was reporters everywhere outside. My eyes widened and I told Jun to get my phone for me.

I quickly dialed Hana's number.

It sent right back to voicemail.

Hana's pov.

As soon as I walked outside, people threw eggs and other stuff at me. "You did this to jungkook oppa!" "Why are you here!?" "Slut!" "Gold digger!" They were holding up signs telling me to go away. There weren't any nice ones either.

Suddenly I got a flashback to when I was in highschool. Why did this suddenly bring me back to that hell? Tears were streaming down my face. There was another thing as well. Blades. No. No. Stop thinking about that. Stop it.

My breathing became heavier and I was suddenly pulled by my hand. Someone with a black hoody was taking me with them. As he ran, his hoody came off and I knew who it was.

We then stopped by a corner store and he gave me his jacket and a pair of sunglasses. "Are you ok?" He asks. I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you Hoseok." I said and he hugged me back. "Be careful next time, ok? I don't want to see you hurt."

I nodded and he let go of me. "Where were you going?" He asks. "Get Jun and jungkook something to eat." "Come on, let's go get them something to eat." I nodded and put the sunglasses and hoodie on.


We bought them burgers from a restaurant and we told the boys to handle all the girls in the front. Suddenly, while we were walking toward the building, a whole bunch of girls came running, holding up signs, crowding around a group of people.

"Who's that?" Hoseok squinted. Suddenly a girl screamed, "Park Chanyeol!" My eyes widened and we watched as they went inside the building. While they were distracted, Hoseok and I snuck in and went in the elevators.

"Hana?" I looked up to see the boys looking at me. "Hana! It really is you! We saw you on the news with jungkook. Are you ok?" I nodded and Baekhyun hugged me. We went to jungkooks room and he didn't expect the boys to walk in.

Jun eyes widened and he screamed. "EXO!" he jumped up and down and hugged each of them. Jungkook mouthed a 'who are they' and I said, "remember on our honeymoon?" He realized who they were and bowed. "H-hello." "You better take care of her!" Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Yixing, and Tao said in unison.

Jungkook nervously breathes. "It's ok guys, he changed a lot." "Yeah you better or else-" suddenly Chanyeol stepped on a rubber ducky and Jun looked down. "Hey! My ducky!" Chanyeol chuckled full of guilt and knelt down to fix the duck.

I tried not to laugh and they all sighed. "Alright. Hana be careful. We'll go handle those girls out there. We have to go to the gym." I nodded and they each gave me a hug and told jungkook to get well soon. Hoseok gave jungkook and Jun their food and they ate it peacefully on the bed. I looked down as some fans decided to leave and others stayed there.

"Don't worry about them. We'll go get security." Hoseok said and patted my shoulder before leaving. "Hana?" I turned around and jungkook stuffed a burger in his mouth and he shook it to give me a bite.

I walked over and took a bite and Jun gave me a bite too. "Did you two get along?" I asked and they both said "yes" the same time. "She was asking me." Jun said. "No she was asking me." I sighed and rolled my eyes.


Ok I'm too lazy to edit and I have to get up early cuz they're taking me out to eat and they said that it's cooler early. Ok, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's almost to the end and I hope you all love the jungkook and Jun scenes. Anyway I love you all and I'll probably be coming out with a new book with J-hope. Oh and I just made a book 2 for his desire. If y'all read that book please give book 2 some love and support! Thank you!!!


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