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"Jun?" I kept shaking him to wake up for 5 minutes now. He's a heavy sleeper. "Noona?" He began to wine. I set him down on the chair and fluttered his eyes open. "Jun were at McDonalds. Want a kids meal?"

His eyes widened and he nodded. "Yes please." He smiled. "Stay here ok?" He nodded and I went to go order at the counter. "Hello. Welcome to McDonalds what would you like?"

"Can I have a kids meal please?" She put it down on the screen and nodded. "Anything else?" I looked as jun swung his legs back and forth. "Oh and can you give me 2 ice creams when we're done?"

She smiled and put it down. "That'll be $5.50." She said. I gave her my money and I walked back to Jun. "Now we wait." I told him.

"Noona, thank you for taking me." He said. "You're welcome." I messed up his hair and he smiled. "When is the food coming?" He asks. "I don't know. We have to wait."

Our food soon came and I helped jun get his food out. "Here." I gave him a French fry and he began to eat it. "Noona, where's yours?" He asked with food in his mouth.

"I'm not hungry, and don't talk with your mouth full." He rolled his eyes and kept eating. I swear he is just too cute.

He barely ate and he was full. "Noona I'm done." He left half of his burger and 2 fries with no fruits. "Ok. Do you want to save this for later?" I asked. He shook his head and I nodded.

I grabbed his things he didn't eat and ate them and his eyes widened. "I thought you weren't hungry." He said. "Well I am now." We both laughed and I threw away the things into the trash. Then we had our ice cream.

It was now 4:30 and the concert starts at 5:00. We better get there fast so we can get a good view for jun's first concert.


We were seated in the 5th row but it was ok because we got a good view. "Noona! Thank you!" Jun shouted. He lifted up his arms and I picked him up so he can get on my shoulders.

"When are they coming?" He asks. "I don't know. They're getting ready." I said.

-jungkooks pov.-

It was time for the concert and the makeup artist is painting my lips. "Oh jungkook!" J-hope shouted. I looked at him through the mirror and smiled. "Yeah?" I said.

" know at the fan meet? When you were in the bathroom?" I closed my eyes as the makeup lady put some makeup on my eyelids.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "Well guess who showed up?" He asked. I opened the eye she finished and looked at J-hope. "Who?" I said. "Hana."

Everything in my stomach began to turn and I felt nauseous. I miss her so much. Ugh! Why did I drink so much water? I missed my one and only chance I got to see her.

"What did she look like? Who was she with? How did she know we were a band?" I began to question. "She has light brown short hair, and she was with her brother. I don't know how she knew though. I heard from jin that she was in New York all these years."

He said. I began to get anxious. I wanted to see her but my parents said that she was doing fine. They wouldn't tell me where she was and I never talked to my parents since then. "She said for you to eat well and she misses you too."

My heart began to beat faster and I felt the urge to cry. "Hoseok please? I'm doing his makeup." The lady said. "Ah, mianhae." He apologized to the lady.

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