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Jungkooks pov.

"Jungkook? You got a call." Jin said on the other side of the door. "Who is it?" I walked to the door and opened it. "I don't know. It's a girl, she said she had something important to tell you."

Is it Hana? Has she finally wanted to see me? I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear.

(Ongoing call)

Me: h-hello?

??: Jungkook-ah...How are you?

This sounded nothing like Hana.

Me: who is this?

??: Wah...You don't even remember my voice. It's me, Hyemi.

Me: bwo? What do you want and how did you get this number?

HM: jungkook....I have something to tell you...Can we meet up some place?

Me: You know I can't just walk out like that? Especially when there's cameras always watching me. Also I don't want to see you, but whatever it is, I don't want to hear it.

HM: please jungkook. It's important.

Me: ugh....Fine. meet me at the cafe by bighit.

HM: thank you jungkook.

(End of call)

Aish! I ruffled my hair and went to grab my hoodie. I walked out of my room and put on my boots.

"Oh, jungkook? Where are you going?" Namjoon asks. "Out." Was all I said. I dug in my pocket and pulled out my face mask and sunglasses.


I was seated by the window and I tried to not make any sort of eye contact with anyone. Suddenly I saw Hyemi sit right in front of me. She had long strawberry blonde hair and she had glasses on.

"Jungkook...I have something to tell you." She says as she sniffled and rubbed her eye. "Say it." I said.

"Well...When I left...I began to get sick and I took a pregnancy test. It was positive." I froze and I had no words. "We have a child jungkook." She said as she grabbed my hand. I didn't pull away because I was too in shock.

"Y-you.... You're lying to me right?" I asked. She shook her head and squeezed my hand. "I have him. He's in the car." She said as my eyes widened.

It's a boy, and he's already born. "How old is he?" I asked. "He's 5." She said. "Come here. I'll show you him."

We walked to her car and I couldn't see him because her car had tinted windows. She opened the car door and I saw a little boy come out of the car and began to cry.

He stepped out and cried. "Ken? This is your father." She said. I took a look at him but he looked so...Unlike both of us. His eyes were big and round and they almost looked similar to... Hana's eyes.

"Ken?" I asked. She nods and grabs him. "Say hi to your father." She said. He didn't speak and she chuckled. "He gets shy." She said.

I have a bad feeling about this. This little boy looks too familiar, and I feel like I've seen him before.

"Can I take a picture of him?" I asked. "He's our son jungkook. Of course." I pulled out my phone and took a picture. "Look." I showed ken and he didn't even bother to look or even look at me.

If this is my son then I feel bad that I didn't get to be there for him because he seems like he doesn't like me.

She held onto his hand and smiled. "Jungkook...We want you to give up on singing and come home. He wants his father back." She nudges him.

I saw a tear fall down his eye. I swear this made me sad to see. He reminded me of her but I don't know why. Maybe I just miss her too much.

"I....I can't. I can't leave." I said. "Please? Ken needs you and I can't raise him by myself. At least think about it?" She gripped on my hand.

I nodded and sighed. "We'll get going now." She said. I bent down and hugged ken. "Bye ken."
Hyemi put him back into the car and she was in the driver's seat.

"I'll call you jungkook." She says. I nodded and she leaned out of the window and kissed my cheek that was revealed from my mask.

I just stood there and she drove off. How am I going to tell the guys this? Ugh! Why was I so stupid back then?

Wahhh! This was really short! Anyway who do you think this little boy is? Lol hyemi is back! Wadduup! Anyway! I have an exam tomorrow and I don't think I'll update tomorrow :( so thank you all for reading! I love you all! Good night!

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