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-hyemi's pov.-

I smiled in the mirror as I began to powder my cheeks and nose, then I put on my red lipstick. The sound of whining began to fill up my house.

"Shut up!" I yelled. "Eomma! I want my Eomma!" I groaned and rolled my eyes, walking over to the little boy in the basement. "Shut up! No one cares about you or your Eomma! Especially Hana!" I slapped him in the face and he screamed harder.

I tied his ankles against the wall and ducktaped his mouth to stop him from screaming. I looked at the handprint on his cheeks and the cut my ring made on him.

"Listen, you are gonna do whatever I say. When we see jungkook don't say anything about your stupid sister or else I will get that little mouth of yours and sew it together so you won't ever talk again!" He shook his head and tears were building up in his eyes.

I laughed and got up to look for a dress to wear. After locking the basement door, I went to my room and looked into the closet. Deciding on a red short dress.

I grabbed my phone and dialed jungkooks number.

(Ongoing call)

JK: yeah?

Me: jungkook, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner so we can get caught up with each other?

JK: What about Ken?

Me: who? Oh! Yeah, Ken is staying over at my Eomma's house and he'll be back later tonight.

JK: oh ok. I still haven't told the guys.

Me: it's ok. You still have time, now about the dinner?

JK: I guess. I'll pick you up.

Me: Ok. See you then.

JK: mm.

(End of call)

I threw my phone on the bed and laid back, I laughed and looked at my ceiling. My plan is going well, and next thing you know, I will have jungkook all to myself.

I'll just need to do something with this kid. I can't keep him nor return him. He'll snitch and that'll just be another problem. We wouldn't want jungkook or Hana to find out now would we?

I'll probably sell him or kill him. I know a couple of guys who'll take him.

-Hana's pov-

"Eomma! Please come out!" I yelled behind the door of my mother's bedroom. "Jun! Where's Jun! Hana!" My mom yelled. "Eomma! We'll find him! Come out!" I yelled as tears fell down my cheeks.

She opened the door and cried on my shoulder. She then was too weak to stand so she fell and I bent down with her. The room was filled with our sobs and cries.

"Hana what happened?" She asked. "I....I'm sorry. I wasn't watching him." She lightly hit me and tried to breathe as she sobbed.

"Why didn't you watch him?! Why!? Hana! Why!?" I kept apologizing although I already know it won't get better. She has every right to be mad and upset with me. She probably hates me too.

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