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It was getting darker outside and the concert ended. Jun was holding my hand as we were about to cross the road with the packed street. "Noona? I'm very...happy." Jun yawned and rubbed his eye with his free hand.

"You're welcome. Tired?" He nodded and leaned on my hand. I bent down so he can get on my back. "You can sleep on my back." He climbed on and leaned his head on my back.
Finally, we walked across the street and back home.


"Eomma!" I knocked on the locked door. I've been knocking for 5 minutes and my mom still doesn't answer. Finally I saw the lights turn on. "Hana?" "Yeah!" I yelled. She opened the door and squinted her eyes.

"Is jun asleep?" She whispered. I nodded and brought him to his room. After I had tucked him in and kissed him, I went to where my mom was. She was in the kitchen making two cups of tea.

"Did you two have fun?" She asked. "Yeah. Jun had a lot of fun." She paused and turned around. "Did you find out?" She asked with pity on her face.
"Find out what?" I asked. "Jung-" I nodded.

"Yeah." I began to think back to how they were a band before but I never asked about them. So that explains why they danced and jungkook can sing.

I was so stupid and too caught up with my problems. "I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner. But jun wanted to go bad and-" I shook my head and smiled. "Its alright eomma. Jun is a big fan and I just wanted him to have fun and like me."

She gave me the tea and we sat down at the couch. "What do you mean? He loves you. He was so excited to meet you." I nodded. "But I wasn't there to grow up with him." I took a sip of my tea. "Well it wasn't your fault. You had to take care of your education and I'm very happy for you."

I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you."


It was already 10:00am and we had gotten done eating breakfast. Jun went to the TV and put on his channel. We all sat down at the couch and watched what he was watching.

It was a show called 'What's Hot: Idol secrets'. The pictures showed bts and I saw a picture of all of them sitting up and then lying down.

 The pictures showed bts and I saw a picture of all of them sitting up and then lying down

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I couldn't help but look at jungkook. He grew up so much and he got even more handsome.

They all came on the TV and introduced themselves and sat down. A woman with pink hair was sitting down and spoke into a mic.

"Welcome to What's hot: Idol Secrets. We have Bts with us today." They all waved and Jungkook was looking down. "Now let's begin." She greeted them with a warm bright smile.

"We have jungkook." Jungkook snapped his head up and looked at the woman. "There was a rumor that you were married during debut. Is this true?" Jungkooks eyes widened and he shook his head. "No. I've never been in a relationship."

The lady nodded and pointed at the screen. There was a picture of jungkook and a girl walking into the big hit building. My eyes widened at the picture. "Noona! Its you!" Jun pointed at the picture of me.

"What about this picture? Do you know anything about it?" The woman asked. "Ah, no. That must have been photoshopped. A.R.M.Y's are very creative."

"Yes, our maknae has never been in a relationship and he's never brought a girl in big hit. That might have been one of the staffs." Namjoon says. The lady with pink hair nods.

"Ok. Thank you for the clarification. Jin? We heard you were in "Law of the jungle." How was it for you?"

My eyes began to water and I had no idea why. I wanted this and now my heart hurts. I felt arms wrap around me. "Hana?" I looked to see my mom on the ground, hugging me. "I-Im fine." My voice cracked and I couldn't hold it in.

My tears were streaming down my face and I was on the ground crying. The only think holding me up right now was my fists.

I hate to admit it, but I missed him. Maybe I was wrong, he probably had forgotten me and moved on. The only one who didn't move on, was me.

Hey! Wassup! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner! I was busy with some things and yeah. Anyway I have school tomorrow and I decided to make another chapter for you guys. I am extremely tired and the only thing keeping me up is my music. I have earphones in and Lol begin is on. Well I gotta sleep now. Good night!

PS. I know this was sooooooooo short but I'll try to make it longer next time. I'm just tired.

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