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Hana's POV

Knock, knock, knock.

The door squeaked open, revealing the boys (monstax/Bts), Mr. And Mrs. Jeon, Eomma, and Jun.

Jungkook was sound asleep, lightly snoring with his bunny teeth noticable. I didn't want to wake him up so I just stayed in the we're position. "awwwww! Did we disturb you two?" Mrs. Jeon Asks and I shook my head.

"Oh no. Not at all. I just don't want to wake him." She nodded understandingly. "Was he doing ok when he woke up?" Mr. Jeon Asks and I nodded. "Yeah he's fine. The doctor said he's fine for now, but he can't leave." They nodded and the boys each set down a basket and balloons on either side of jungkooks bed. Then they went back outside to carry in a bunch of gifts.

"What's all this?" I said, looking at Hyungwon. Wonho shook the bag and said, "gifts from the fans. We told them to go rest and that Jungkook is alright but they refused until jungkook receives their gifts."

"We also got a little something out of it." I.M said, holding onto bags that fans have given to them. Nodding, I tried getting up but jungkook held onto me tighter. I swear he thinks I'm a teddy bear.

The nurse walked in and told everyone that he had to take his medicine so he had to wake up. We all got out while the nurse gave jungkook his medicine.

"Thank you Hana for watching over him." Mrs. Jeon says and bows, "You didn't have to because we understand y-"

"Mrs. Jeon, I don't want to hurt him. He said he's been hurt over the past years I've been gone and it's all because of me. We both miss each other and I don't see a reason why we should me apart anymore." She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you Hana! You've changed my son!" She cried on my shoulder, and that's when we heard a voice down the hall.

"Hey! You left me for 5 years without a sister! And how is that pabo doing!?" She ran like Naruto and attacked me with a hug.

"You look so beautiful! Omo! You have to tell me how New York was and what happened." Chuckling, I nodded and told her to calm down and I will eventually. "Honey, Jungkook is doing fine. Of course he can't get out of that hospital yet." She nodded.

"Oh and where the hell is that bitch that tried to kill you and almost killed my brother!" "She's in one of the rooms. They said she doesn't have any family members to sign a paper so she could get surgery done. So she'll be in a wheelchair."

"She deserves it." Yuri says and I hit her arm. "That's not nice to say. I understand, she almost killed the people we love. But she doesn't have any family members. Now I'm not saying to help her. But she'll need to pay for what she did."

My heart began to sink as I looked over to Jun and a scar that might not go away anytime soon. My mom comes up to me and rubs my back, comforting me. "It's ok Hana. They've hired a lawyer already." Jun hugged my waist and I kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry Jun." He smiled and said, "It's ok Noona. Don't cry, you look ugly when you do." I laughed and playfully pinched his cheeks. "You do too." He giggled, "No I don't! You look like a fish!" Gasping, he stuck his tongue out and scowled at him. "I love you Noona." "I love you too ugly." "Hey be nice." My mom said and I gasped. "But he started it!"

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