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@grantgust I'm happy to announce that The Flash will be seeing a new character soon...

@user1 OMG WHO?

@user2 please elaborate

@roxygean And guess who will be playing her!!!

@jackchanlor wait you actually got the role @roxygean

@faragold I'm sorry @laniegrey

@grantgust not you @roxygean

@yenelligonzales ^ wait what?

@roxygean what??

@grantgust @laniegrey got the role not you @roxygean

@faragold WHAT?? OMG YES @laniegrey

@jackchanlor haha @roxygean looks like you own me 100 bucks

@laniegrey wow Grant way to ruin the surprise

@grantgust Sorry lanie. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut:)

@roxygean how did that ugly pig get the role and not me?!

@grantgust call her ugly one more time and I'll ruin your acting career

@user3 who is the character???

@laniegrey can't say...

@grantgust it's a secret...

A/N: okay I have a story to tell all of you Grant Gustin lovers. So a few weeks ago I woke up to some tickets to Paleyfest. If you don't know what that is its an event in which a cast of a tv show sits fown and answers questions and tells set stories yada yada yada. Well I got to go see it!!! AHHH! I died a little bit. Well two people from every DC show were there. The two from the flash were Candice patton and grant Gustin. Well my aunt who gave me the tickets got them for like row G on the bottom floor. That means I was like 30 feet or so away from my favorite people in the world. So halfway through the show my little cousin who was sitting next to me, gasps. I was like what??? He was like Grant Gustin is looking at us!! I looked at Grant and sure enough he was looking straight at us. I waved and Grant waves back!!! DEATH!!! *proof that me and grant have a special connection cause he found me in an audience of like thousands*

Well flash forward to after they are done answering questions. Everyone rushed to the stage to try and get an autograph or something right?? So what did I do? I booked it up there. I pushed through this massive crowd to get a picture with them. Well once I was at the front of the stage, Grant Gustin Walked right by me. Everyone was telling his name to get an autograph. It seemed helpless. But then I yelled his name. He turned around and looked at me!!!!! AHHH DEATH!!

I asked him if he would take a picture with me and he said something along the lines of of course or yeah sure or something like that. So because I couldn't seem to function I just handed him my phone with snapchat open right?? He was like "you want me to take it?" I was like yeah. And then he DID!!! ACTUAL DEATH!

So yes. That happened. I am still dead. I'm not to sure how I didn't fall over and die.

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