fourty nine message

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Lanie I can't begin to explain how sorry I am. I know you don't understand why I turned Jack in but I need you to know I did the right thing not for me but for you. You shouldn't have had to carry around that secret, knowing he did that to you.
Lanie you're my little bunny
You're practically my sister
Please answer me
I know you are mad but it will all work out I promise

Grant I kind of hate you right now

I know and I'm so sorry that I made you hate me

Well you should be
Grant you were my idol
Now I can't even look at you without thinking that you were the one who sent my best friend to jail

He's not in jail Lanie
His trial is pending still
It will work out

And what if it doesn't

Then I will hate myself forever
Because I hurt you
And I will continue to apologize to you for the rest of my life

You are going to text me "I'm sorry Lanie" when you're old and smelly and can't even remember your own name?

I will text you in sorry even when I'm old and smelly and can't even remember my own name

Okay well I better save you te trouble and accept your apology
Cause I wouldn't want to deal with your old person typos

Haha thank you Lanie

I should be thanking you tbh
You've always taught me to do the right thing even when it doesn't benefit me
That's all you were doing
And looking out for me

That's what I'm here for bunny
See you on set

See you on set:)

A/N: one more chapter left guys!!!!
Thanks sooo much for reading especially all of those who are legit fans of my writing!!!!

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