thrity eight real life

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Sitting in the bland waiting room, only sorrow can infiltrate my thoughts. I don't feel sad necessarily, but more shocked and frightened, like the world suddenly stopped spinning and now I have to adapt to the new conditions.

Lanie's mom is in the hospital room Lanie occupies. When I saw Ms. Grey, her face showed me all of the emotions she was going through. Her quivering lips told me she was afraid; her rapid blinking showed me she was sad; the cold look in her eyes resembled anger, either that or she was just lost.

She came up to me, waterfall eyes, and asked me what had happened. I told her that Lanie was in a hit and run accident and that the police think it was deliberate.

"Was anyone else hurt?" She asked concerned for the well being of Lanie's cast mates.

"No," I croaked. "I'm so sorry Ms. Grey. I should have been there, I was at the Panel when she was crossing the street. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."

She had looked at me with pity. Her look wasn't angry like I had expected, but it was sad and condoling.

"It's okay Grant," she told me. I shook my head to protest but she wouldn't let me. "It's okay."

Now I feel as if my heart has been ripped from my chest and thrown on the floor.

One time when I was little, Gracie fell off her bike and broke her arm. In my little kid eyes I thought that was the worst thing that could happen. I cried and cried, afraid for my sister. Now I have the same feeling but a million times worse because I'm an adult and I understand the extent of the situation.

I see a nurse run into Lanie's room, causing my heart to start beating again. My heart beats faster and faster, so fast I fear it might explode. I get up out of my chair and run to Lanie's room.

I prepare myself for the worst- a flat line, a pale girl, even a reaper coming to take her life. Any scenario possible of comes to mind, yet when I walk into the room I am taken by surprise.

Lanie lies, eyes open, lips smiling. Well almost smiling; as much of a smile someone can muster after being hit by a speeding car. All of my panic and sorrow dissipates and is replaced with joy to an endless extent.

"Lanie," I choke on greatful tears. I walk over to her quickly and kneel down so I can meet her eyes. "I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay," she cuts me off. I shake my head in protest. "Grant, don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"You're not fine Lanie," I tell her.

She then looks over herself and her situation then sighs. Tears well in my eyes because of how guilty I feel.

"Stop," she tells me. "Everything will be okay."

A/n: omg I'm a terrible author for not update all week I'm so sorry.

But I did meditate for two hours straight today and it was very swell👍 not really my mojo is still missing

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