twelve group chat

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Team Flash

Vibe'n Valdes
guys do we know who the new character coming on the show is??

barry alien

barry's aliens girlfriend
I wish

Frosty the snowgirl
They don't tell us anything

keiyRUN lonsdale
Wait there's going to be a new character on the show?

old man wells
keiynan where have you been?

barry alien
can I add her to the chat?

jesse Martian
add who?

barry alien
the girl who is playing the new character?

barry alien's girlfriend
sure sure

barry alien added Lanie Grey to Team Flash

hello?who is this

barry alien's girlfriend
I'm Candice Patton

jesse Martian
I'm Jesse Martin

Old man wells

barry alien

Frosty the snowgirl

Vibe'n Valdes

keiyRun Lonsdale

cool I'm Lanie
I'm a big fan

barry alien's girlfriend
so Lanie what have you been in?

Oh um well nothingI've just been in like school plays and stuff
community theater

Frosty the Snowgirl
oh you like theater?

yeah I love it! I love the stage that's why I was surprised to get this role

barry alien
but she is really good I promise
I watched her audition

Vibe'n Valdes
So lanie what's your favorite musical?

Rent for sure
Maureen is my dream role

Jesse Martain
I like this girl

barry alien's girlfriend
me too

old man wells
me three

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