sixteen group chat

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Vibe'n Valdes

Frosty the Snowgirl

barry alien
What is it?

Vibe'n Valdes
I know who Lanie is playing

how do you know?

Vibe'n Valdes
cause I saw your costume in wardrobe

barry alien's girlfriend
well what is it?

old man wells
spit it out carlos

Vibe'n Valdes
Lanie is playing Dawn Allen!

shhhh you weren't supposed to tell anyone

barry alien
Dude that's awesome!

barry alien's girlfriend
wait how does that work. Lanie is old

KeiyRUN lonsdale
Yeah I don't get it

okay so basically Dawn Allen accidentally runs back in time to this time in the show. Once she gets here Barry tells her she needs to go back or she is going to create another flashpoint but when she goes to leave the speedforce won't let her

Jesse Martian
Why not?

I don't know I didn't write it

frosty the snowgirl
aw Barry's going to be a dad

barry alien's girlfreind

Vibe'n Valdes changed Lanie Grey's name to barry alien's daughter

A/N: guys I'm pretty sure this book is trash

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