fourty five imessage

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Grant Gustin

What is your problem dude?

Jack do not refer to me as dude
I'm not your friend

What's your issue

My issue?
You hit Lanie with your car

I don't know what you're talking about

Cut the crap Jack
You ran over her with your car and put her in the hospital for three weeks

I did not

Turn yourself in
It's what's best for Lanie

You have no idea what's best for Lanie
You've known her for less than a year
I've known her for eight

This isn't some little fight Jack
This is you almost killing Lanie
Turn yourself in


A/n: guys I really need help!!
How should this end?? I have no idea !!!

Also I would really appreciate it if someone rated my writing. Not like this book but my real books i.e. Make a wish/ suddenly super stuff like that

Thanks lovies!!

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