thirty seven real life

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A/N: I'm going to try and keep this short okay


There are times when there are no word to describe the feeling that lies inside of you. Walking into the emergency room, I felt this feeling. Everything goes by in flashes. Desk. Nurse. Walk. Room. Lanie.

Everyone is in the same state that I am right now. Then we see Lanie. Violett lets out a gasp that makes me jump, then she turns away and walks out of the room. My brain has the same reaction, but my body doesn't. The girl I once new to be strong and fierce looks so weak and fragile you could break her like a toothpick. Lanie's soft brunette hair is now a starchy mop of red. Her skin is puffy and she has a stitched cut running from her hair down to her temple. A tangled mess of tubes surrounds her nose and mouth and arms. Hospital blankets cover her body but if they didn't I bet she would look even worse. I sit in the chair next to her bed and Carlos sits across from me.

"This is not your fault," he says.

"Yes it is. She asked me what to do and I told her to walk across a busy street by herself. What kind of person does that? I could have prevented this"

My voice is haggard and raspy from the lump in my throat. I rest my elbows on my knees then look up toward the ceiling, sighing. Dani walks in the room with a confused look on her face and plops down on a seat opposite the from from me. She studies the floor and bounces her feet like she is trying to figure something out. And she is doing that thing where she bites her lower lip when something is bothering her.

"I called Candice. She and Kieynan will be here soon."

I nod.

"What's bothering you? I mean besides the fact..." Carlos mumbles trailing off.

"I was talking to the nurse who was on duty when Lanie was admitted here this morning. She said that Lanie was conscious when she arrived," Danielle's voice falters.

"Oh god," I whisper.

"She said the driver was brunette but she didn't see their face," Danielle says sternly.

"It could mean anybody," Cisco says. Then he continues with, "She lost a lot of blood too, she could have just been delirious."

I shake my head. I know Lanie well enough; she is trying to tell me who it was.

And I think I know who it was. I think everybody does.

I turn towards Lanie and grab her hand that's not broken. I hold her small, cold hand with both of mine and bring it up to my cheek. "Who did this Bunny?" I whisper.

I feel my eyes start to burn then tears well up. I again wonder how such a small person can make such a large impact on my life. I sit there for what feels like forever until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Candice's grief stricken face. She is staring at Lanie with indescribable eyes. 

"I called Lanie's mom," she tells me.

Oh God, her mom. How am I supposed to face her? Lanie is all that she has left, and I might be the reason that Lanie will be ripped away from her.

"C'mon Lanie," I plead. "Wake up."

A/N: haha guys I just used a chapter from a different story I wrote and changed the names. I'm so terrible.

Anyway let me know if you liked it.

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