fourty two imessage

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Grant where are you

Had to go to a panel for the last day of comic con
I'll be back at the hospital soon and then we can go back to Van

I need to talk to you

Is something wrong??

Very wrong
I know who hit me

Was it Roxy?
Did you just remember??

No and no
I knew the whole time

Why didn't you tell me???

Cause I didn't want it to be real
Grant please don't tell anyone
I know he did it on accident
It had to be and accident

What are you talking about?
Who hit you bunny??

It was Jack

Are you sure?


Oh god
Lanie we have to tell the police

No please don't
He's my best friend
It was an accident

How do you know?

I just do

I'm on my way there okay?
Don't worry everything will be fine

No it won't
This isn't tv grant this is real life
Things never work out

A/N: guysss I'm going on a plane tomorrow and if I crash I need someone to just finish this story. Like make a new book and just pick up from where I left off.

If everything is good I'll make sure too update faster though

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