Chapter 6

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(Sonic POV)

To be honest, I was scared. The air was tense between Shadz and Laura. I really hope they make up soon.

As I walked towards the living room, immense pain throbbed in my feet. I couldn't move or say anything. Laura walked by, scared and confused at the pained look on my face. I tried to move but fell to my knees. She ran to my side.

"S-Shadow.." My voice was barely a whisper. Shadow came around the corner and froze. "m-my feet..." I could barely talk with all this pain. Shadow sat next to me and grabbed my feet, making me wince. I felt him take off my socks and heard Laura gasp.

My feet were severely scarred. I lost all feeling in the nerves of my feet. Only once in while would the pain come back. I slowly felt relief as Shadow made the pain go away. I sighed as the pain was gone, and pulled my feet closer to me. Not feeling me touch the scars.

Shadow helped me to my feet, and walked away after asking if I was okay. I didn't look at Laura and slowly followed him. I just sat on the couch and pulled my feet close. I trusted both of them, but didn't know who to chose.

I switched the tv to a show and sat there silently with Shadow. Laura had started to make lunch. I just really wish Shadow and Laura could make up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw and heard Shadow cough, seeing blood in his hand. My ears pinned back, I just want Shadow to be okay...

(Shadow POV)

I tried to hide the blood I just coughed up. It seemed to be getting a bit worse. Or maybe that was blood stuck in my chest from the glass. Hopefully it was nothing. I noticed Sonic passed out, curled up close to me. I faint smile crossed my face and petted his head. I must've passed as I can't remember what happened.

I woke up in a bed, with food next to me. I guess I was kind hungry, I haven't had food for about a day now. With how I am, my light bones and weight, I can skip a few days without eating.

I ate and just stared at the ceiling. I was confused... Laura really did care for us. I guess I still had feelings for her for some reason. My mind is telling me not to trust her but my heart says different.

I was about to get up, my chest pain came back and caused me to drop the plate, shattering. I fell to my knees and coughed violently. I could barely breath. It felt as if something was attacking my heart and lungs. My heart as it was going to explode and my lungs were on fire. I was desperately gasping for air by the time Laura came running it. Before she could do anything, my vision faded, faintly feeling her grab me before I passed out.

I found myself back in bed. Laura's head on the bed, near mine. I felt my heartbeat faster, coughing a bit. She woke up and looked at me. Laura went to go get some medicine and I sat up. I made a stupid choice as she was gone.. I was only causing trouble since I was here... I need only a few hours away from this... To think things over, and to think over that month thing.

When she came back, Laura was about to force me take some of it till I stopped her. She was confused until I grabbed her arm. I pulled her close and leaned up with all my strength and kissed her. She blushed like crazy then relaxed. I broke away from the kiss, my chest hurting ten times worse now. My breathing was harsh and quick. She stared at me with shock and embarrassment. " I better of made the right choice..." I choked out the words between coughs.

(Laura's POV)

I was so shocked at Shadow, I barely even heard him whispered 'sorry'. A small flash of light blinded me as Shadow disappeared. He was nowhere to be found. I heard Sonic talking and ran downstairs. Shadow was at the front door, holding his chest. I ran towards him, about to yell his name, when he disappeared. I quickly turned to Sonic, frozen in fear...

"Where... Where did he go?" Sonic slowly shook his head. He seemed to refuse to accept this.

"H-he... He just left.." Sonic was now shaking. " He's hurt a-and he left a-and he and he be gone for a bit.. T-that's a-all he said.." He continued to stare at where Shadow was last standing.

I was utterly shocked and couldn't move. He kissed me then just leaves? Why...? How could he? I felt so much closer to him and I ... loved him.. I couldn't help but feel hurt. I know he's a jerk... but he was caring. It felt as if my heart was broken into two. I felt like crying. I felt to my knees and felt weak. I looked at the ground and felt nothing but sadness and hurt. I wanted to cry my eyes and curl up. Sonic just seemed to sit and stare on the couch.

It felt like hours since Shadow left. I still couldn't believe it. By now, I had gotten up from the floor and make some food. We sat in silence as we ate.

My ears twitched from hearing faint coughing outside. It had to be Shadow. I went to run out but Sonic beat me to it. I chased after him as he tackled down someone. I felt a huge weight get lifted off my shoulders, and couldn't help but smile. Sonc was sobbing with happiness into the person's shoulder.

"heh... hey guys.." Shadow gave a small, weak smile. I smiled as tears fell. It was almost midnight when he finally came back home. Sonic got up and help Shadow up as he coughed a tad. I pulled Shadow into a tight hug and tried to hold back my tears.

"I-I'm sorry for keeping secrets! I'm sorry for yelling! I-I promised I won't keep a-anymore secretes. I'm sorry!" I just felt Shadow pet my head as I looked up at him. He gave a small smile and a nod. I smiled back and buried my face into his chest.

We walked in and all just rested. I was about to make some food for him but he refused. I just sighed. He never eats, I'm just glad he's home now.

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