Chapter 37

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(Shadow's POV)

I was going to kill that little prankster once I get my hands on him. He kept barely getting out of my grasp, dodging trees back and forth. I growled at him, slowly getting closer, breathing heavily. 

Out of the sudden, we heard someone scream. Sonic lost focus, only to trip over something. Of course, I tripped over the same thing, and faceplant, going full speed. I groaned, sitting up, only for Sonic to scream.

"What's wrong?!" I turned to him, seeing he had blood splattered on his face and soaked his hair and shirt. "What happened?!" Crawling over to him, I check for injuries. Nothing was wrong with him, so why did he have so much blood on him?

"T-That..." Sonic's voice was shaken as he pointed in front of him. What was he talking about? Gasping, I saw a body with it's face severely beaten in. By the looks of it, it's male, around mid-thirties. Oh god... I was going to be sick. "W-What did that?.."

"I.. I don't know." I pulled Sonic away from it, standing up. "Something with extreme strength.." I studied how the poor guy died, noticing something familiar about it.. "This.. looks a lot like how Scourge described how he killed hi-" Pinning my ears to my skull as another ear piercing scream echoed in the forest. I took of running, holding Sonic's hand, towards the scream.

"Die already! JUST FUCKING DIE!!" A familiar voice screamed out. "Bastard! This is what you get!!" Slowing down, we hid behind a bush. Sonic gasped when he saw the figure. "I hate you!! DIE!!" I flinched at seeing the brutal murder. The guy's body twitched, his face totally smashed in. 

"It's... It's Scourge..." Sonic whispered, the killer's ears twitched. He slowly turned his head towards us, slamming down his fist once more. His smile widen, blood splattered across his face.

"More victims.. Male too.." Scourge laughed, smearing blood on his face. "C'mon out.. Let's play~" His voice was eerie, as he slowly stood up.

"Scourge stop this!" I slowly walked out, standing in front of his view of Sonic.

"What are you doing?.." Sonic whispered, confused. Scourge only smiled as I walked out the bush.

"Ah~ So you know who I am~?" He licked the blood off his hand.

"Snap out of it idiot! This isn't you!" He made a 'tsk' noise, clearly getting pissed off.

"This isn't me...? This isn't me?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS BASTARD DID TO ME!?!" Scourge pulled out a pocket knife, growling. "Do you even know WHAT he did to me as a child?! DO YOU!" Screaming at the top of his longues, Scourge walked closer to me.

"Not all of the details.. Li-"

"So you don't! Why don't I just tell you. To refresh your mind" He tapped the knife against his head, pure anger shown. "After my mother died, he abused me, forgot about me and RAPED Me!" He walked closer to me, about to attack. "He left me to die, finding me in a ditch after some 'normals' beat me up!" He threw the knife backwards, landing the knife in the dead guys chest, right where his heart was. "HE WON'T DIE" I saw tears forming in his eyes. He looked too far gone.

"Scourge... That isn't your father..." His head snapped towards me.

"What do you mean! That's him!" Scourge point at the dead body. I sighed and took a step towards him. He seemed to get even angrier.

"That isn't him.. You killed your father a long time ago... That's the guy who hit Mephiles a while back.. You're just imagining it's him. It's all in your head.. Please snap out of it."

"No.. N-no You're wrong..." Scourge grabbed his head, yelping in pain. Growling, he disappeared in a flash. He took off so fast, I couldn't tell which why he went.

"ACK!!" Something cut my back, cutting through my jacket. Before I could react, another gash went across my chest. Scourge stopped in front of me. He was breathing heavily, a pure hatred look. "I don't want to hurt you Scourge.. Please. Just stop this."
"You don't have to hurt me. I can just kill you!" Scourge lunged at me, with the knife. I managed to dodge, and flip him onto his back. Yet he managed to stab me in the shoulder. I pinned him down, growling. He smashed his head against mine, knocking me off of him. Scourge got down in a stance, ready to kill.

It felt like forever, we were fighting. Scourge seemed to be getting tired. So was I, he managed to get my rings of, and caused worse injuries on me. I tried to not use my power on him, as I still didn't want to hurt him.

"Scourge! Stop this!" Sonic yelled, causing Scourge to lose his focus, only to look away for a second. I used this as an opening, using up remaining energy to round kick him. Knocking him out on contact. My body was telling me to sleep, running on fumes, but I had to get us home. Roughly grabbing Scourge, I rushed to Sonic, teleporting us to the middle of the living room. I couldn't stand it anymore, and just shut down completely. I knew I wasn't going to see or talk to them for a month. But at least, they're... safe...

(Sonic's POV)

"Sorry...." Shadow's voice barely a whisper. He was holding me close to his chest, his breath shallow.

"Shadow!" Shadow fell limp in my arms, he was still breathing and his wounds seemed to already be healed. They healed during the fight right? So what was wron- oh god.. Crap.

"What the heck happen?!" Laura was still scare at the sudden appearance.

"Scourge... Snapped and went on a killing spree. Shadow... Shadz is in a sleep coma for month."

"Wait... What?" Confused at what I just said, her eyes widen at the blood all over us. "W-Well what do we do?"

"Ugh... My head hurts..." Scourge slowly sitting up. "Why am I so bloody...?" 

"A-Are you back?..." Slowly, I lowered myself down, Shadow resting against me. Scourge looked at me confused, then at Shadow. His eyes slowly widen as he realized.

"D-Did I change again...?" I nodded lightly, thinking about what he said. He crumpled up and held his head. "Crap... Crap,,," Scourge slowly rocked back and forth. "I'm sorry... I'm s-so sorry..." I was shocked.. I never really seen Scourge cry before.. Only a few times, but never like this..

"How about helping me carrying Shadow up to his room?..." I smiled lightly, as he looked at me. "I lost a lot of my strength over those nine months." Scourge nodded lightly, before standing.

"I'll go help Mephiles with the kids." Laura could sense the tone of mood, and knew to leave. Scourge carried Shadow up to his room.

Silence filled the room, Scourge stared at Shadow's body. It was awkward, and I know he was filling like it was his fault.

"Scourge... It's not your fault." Scourge sighed, sitting down. 

"God.. I can't go home like this. Fiona will kill me if she finds out.." He looked at the blood on his hands. "How is this not my fault, huh? I killed someone. Ugh, Shadow would be calling me an idiot right now..."

"You actually killed two people... And almost killed Shadow.." Scourge groaned and slammed his head against the wall.

"God. I feel sick..." He slid down the wall, holding his stomach. "I wonder what Shadow's going through.." He looked at him, sighing. Now that I think about it. Shadow never told us what this is like. It was like he seemed to forget what even happened in this state. What was he going through right now?  

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