Chapter 16

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(Sonic's POV)

I was scared, not know what was wrong with me. I sat in the front seat of the car, staring at my stomach. I kept trying to press down on it, but it was hard. Why was it hard? Laura and Shadow were as concerned as I was. I started to feel anxiety, what if this was really bad?! What if I could die from this?! I flinched when I felt Shadow place a hand on my shoulder. I calmed a little and tried to smile, I shouldn't worry.

We were calmly waiting at the doctor's office, waiting to know what was wrong with me. Sighing, I tried to pull my baggy shirt down. Not wanting my small belly showing to anyone around us. Laura was busy filling in paperwork, asking me some questions. I watched over her writing, lying about some of the things on it. I guess since we don't have much paperwork about us, we had to change somethings. Deeply sighing, Laura turned in the paperwork, now waiting to get called.

Several minutes passed and a nurse called for me. Slowly, I stood up and followed her, with Laura and Shadow. She looked at us, a weird combination of a family. "Are you the father of them sir?" She looked at Shadow. He gave he a weird look.

"I'm 19 ma'am. He's my brother." Shadow crossed his arms. She gave a shocked look, embarrassed.

Shaking her head, she took my height and weight. I must've gained a few pounds since I last checked. She lead me into a room and checked several other things. She told me the doctor would be in a few minutes and left.

Shadow leaned back in his seat and sighed. "I'm sick of waiting...." I groaned slightly, feeling sick. I just wanted to curl up and wanting this to be over. Laura pulled over the trashcan seeing I went pale. I sighed and laid down on the bed.

The door opened and a young doctor walked in. The doctor was a male with brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled. "I'm Dr. Matthews" he looked at the clipboard. "Sonic, is it?" I nodded, slowly sitting up. Dr. Matthews looked concerned, and went back to his clipboard. "So you been experiencing fainting, vomiting, and fatigue for almost two months now, and now your abdomen is swelling?" He looked me over. He checked me and my stomach, confused on why it was slightly hard.

"Let me get an ultrasound machine and see if everything is alright inside." I sighed as he left and went to get the machine. Shadow had his arms crossed, calm about everything. Laura had her legs crossed and looked kinda concerned.

A few minutes went past and the doctor came back with the machine and a nurse. The nurse hooked it up as Dr. Matthews put on gloves and held a bottle of gel. He told me to lay down and pull my shirt up. I did as told and he squeezed the cold gel on my stomach, I shivered at the coldness. He gently placed a wand over it and spread it around. I watched his face go from calm to shocked.

"Oh... Well this is shocking... He seems doing just fine" The doctor smiled.

"What do you mean he?" Shadow tensed in his seat. I got scared for a second.

"I mean his child is doing just fine, Congratulations Sonic. You're pregnant" Dr. Matthews smiled at me.

"P-Pregnant?...." I took my gazed from him to the ceiling. "Heh... I'm pregnant." I gave a small nervous chuckled before my vision faded to black.

(Shadow's POV)

I quickly got up from my seat when Sonic fainted. Laura and I were both as shocked when the doctor said he was pregnant. How? I know he is a hermaphrodite but he couldn't have gotten preg- I suddenly realized why he got that shot. The FUCKING place did this to him! God dammit!

I kept my growl quiet and sat back down, crossing my arms. I watched Sonic, and the doctor. Once Sonic wakes up, I'll make sure he's okay.

A few minutes went by before he woke up. The nurse making sure he was okay. We were told to come back in a week.

Sonic only stared at the ground with an hand on his stomach. We were let go of and were walking out. He kept laughing nervously casually.
"Are.... Are you okay Sonic?" I walked up to see his face, seeing it go for no emotion to pissed off in a split second.
"No Shadow! I'm not okay! Would you be okay if you just found out you're pregnant?! NO! Fuck off Shadow.." He turned away from me, growling. I winced a tad when he yelled at me, Sonic crossing his arms as we approached the car. Laura was scared to even say anything, afraid she might anger him even more.

The ride was quiet, Sonic staring out the window. We slowly approached back home, Sonic quietly getting out.

"Do you still want the others to come over?.." Laura asked cautiously. Sonic looked over at her, having an sad expression.

"Y-yeah... I want everyone to be here..." He sighed before looking at me, starting to tear up. He hugged me and buried his face in my chest. "I-I'm sorry!" I calmly petted his head, before taking him to the couch. He sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. I could sense he was scared, not knowing how to take care of a kid. Plus too young to even have a baby.

Laura called over Mephiles and Scourge with their owners. Sonic curled up with a blanket, waiting to tell the others. He was worried how the others will act.

Scourge and Fiona arrived but Sonic refused to say anything till Mephiles got here. Laura got the others food and drinks, waiting for them.

Silver and Meph finally arrived, but Sonic still refused to speak for awhile. Scourge just calmly laid back and drink whatever he had, probably beer. Silver stared at Sonic, before giving a slight giggle.
"Congratulations Sonic!" Everyone quickly looked at Silver, confused. Silver smiled and tilted his head to the side.

"What are you talking about Silv?" Mephiles looked at him, confused. Silver just continued to smile.

"He's pregnant!" Silver clapped his hands together. Scourge spit out his drink, getting some on Fiona. Mephiles eyes widen and Sonic blushed like crazy.

"How in the hell do you know?!" I almost yelled. Sonic pulled the blanket over his head and curled up. Silver tilted his head to the side, confused at why I yelled at him.

"But how?" Scourge wiped his mouth clear, getting scolded by Fiona.

"That what he wanted to tell us." Silver was still confused why I was mad at him. He sighed and simply tapped the side of his head. "I have other powers too, dummy. My kind always could read minds." I growled when he called me 'dummy'. I was about to say something to him before I was cut off by Mephiles, him rushing over to Sonic in his 'smoke form'.

"That amazing Sonic... We will support you in anyway. We will never ditch you." Mephiles spoke softly, smiling. Sonic pulled the blanket away from his face, sniffling.

"R-Really?" He wiped away his tears.

"Of Course Blue." Scourge smiled, wrapping his arms around Fiona, who was sitting in his lap. "We will get through this." Sonic smiled, causing more tears to fall.

"Thank you.. All of you." Sonic hugged Mephiles, smiling more than ever before.   

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