Chapter 13

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(Shadow's POV)

I was up early again, waiting for time to go by. I needed to see Mephiles before he could get sold or worse... Laura was up, brushing her hair. She must of gotten up early for today.

"Morning there grumpy pants." She giggled as I rolled my eyes at her. "When Sonic gets up, we'll go see him. Alright?"

"That sounds good." I gave her a small smile. 

Slowly but surely Sonic got up and made his way downstairs. His short hair shooting out in every direction. I chuckled at him, causing him to smile. He really did look up to me, being so frail but strong when we first met. It was strange at first when I saw him. He didn't have a 'male figure' more of a feminine one. It was only slightly, and he gave the slightest women touch to him. But he was completely a guy.

He shoved me over on the couch and kicked his feet up. He smiled at me before I ruffled his hair more. "So what are we doing today? If we are going anywhere, could we see Scourge after?"

"Sure, just ask her. Laura is the only one who knows how to drive. We got a surprise for you." I stretched before getting up, starving.

"Of course Sonic, we can stop by if you want." Laura said stepping out of the kitchen. She smiled as I walked past her. "Hopefully he's a lot better. Now, how about seeing Mephiles?" Sonic's eyes lighten up, but yet he was terrified. I gave him a calming look, he nodded, smiling.

Neither Sonic and I said a word. As badly as I wanted to see Mephiles, I was scared. I was scared to go back to that place. I know we weren't being taken back by force, just visiting, but I couldn't hold back my feelings.

"Y-yeah... We're ready." Sonic said, looking Laura, trying to look confident. He nodded at me, trying to smile. I just sighed and followed after them. I had to be strong, for Sonic and myself.

The ride there was silent, none of us spoke. Laura knew it was hard for us, she not wanting to worry us. I was shaking in my seat, picturing everything that happened to me. Stop it, stop thinking about the past. It doesn't matter anymore. I nearly broken my thumb, from how hard I was clenching my fist. A deep sigh escaped my lips as we were getting closer and closer. Deep breaths. Take deep breaths, I kept remembering myself. Don't panic...

We pulled into the large gate that protected the facility, Laura telling the guards she was the sister, and flashing a card. Before we left, we had to wear our uniforms from before. Man, it's been three weeks... We were let through and the tension grew. I heard Sonic whimper slightly, him terrified to be back. Once in, we were stopped. Sonic clutching to my side. His eyes dazed, as he stared at the ground.

"What's going on? We have permission to go through." Laura stood in front of us, protectively.

"We have information from Director Miles, Subject #647, must get this shot." Sonic's eyes widen and held tighter onto me. "It is mandatory before it moves on. If you refuse, things might get ugly." Sonic sighed and slowly let go of me, he started to remove his jacket sleeve before getting stopped. 

"Undo your shirt. This goes in your stomach." Sonic gulped and looked at me. I carefully watched their movements. Sonic undid his shirt, flinching at the shot in his side. Growling, they then let us go. Laura was pissed off, and was just waiting to see her brother.

Once we were in a meeting room, Sonic started not to feel well after a few. "Are you alright Sonic?" Sonic just laid his head on the table.

"Yeah... Just my stomach hurts a bit. I'll be fine.." He gave a weak smile, before sitting back up. I hated seeing him in pain. Laura was concerned, but more pissed off at the moment.

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