Chapter 48

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(Shadow's POV)

I only needed a few more days to master my new ability. Just enough so I could use it on our attack. But I couldn't understand why Mephiles attacked me. Why his mutation gotten worse all of sudden? What possibly could Miles get out of this? Why mutate people in the first place?

"Are you alright Shadz?" Laura sat down next to me.

"How am I supposed to feel after finding out my brother can attack at any moment unwillingly." I scoffed at her, not really knowing what to think anymore.

"We'll get through this." She sighed, staring up at the sky. "I just hope you don't do anything stupid." Laura gave me a sincere look.

"Who knows with me, right?" I could help but laugh. My heart hurt as I was lying to her. I've been lying to all of them. I told them this new ability was harmless but... I honestly didn't know what it was going to do to me. Grandfather said I should ever use it unless I needed too. But now it was time, I needed to focus and master this. I have no memory of grandfather telling me if it could hurt me or not. I don't think it's in my file or not anymore. So it's not like I can just go look up my powers and what not.

"I'm serious Shadow... If those guys lose you... Who's gonna take care of them?" She sighed when I didn't respond. "They can't lose you... Not Sonic, not Scourge and not Mephiles... They all need you.... I need you." Laura's face instantly turned red after she said that. I could help but laugh at her.

"I know, I know... I need you guys too..." Pulling her close, resting her head on my chest. "But that's why I gotta do this... I can't let them keep hurting my family."

"I... Understand."

"C'mon... Let's go back inside." I needed to spend as much time as I could with them. For I don't know how much longer I was going to be with them...

As we went back inside, the others playing with the kids. I've never held them or anything. Never talked at them, touch them or anything since they were born. I guess I was just scared to hurt them. It's only been a few months, but they were already the size of toddlers. They were already trying to talk too, gosh... Since they were specials, they grew a lot faster then normal.

"Since when did they get so big?" I chuckled as I sat down next to them. Sonic only smiled at me.

"Wanna hold one?" Sonic mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Eh- Nothing.." Sonic rubbed the back of his neck. I was about to say something until someone climbed into my lap. A pair of crimson red eyes stared up at me. 

"Looks like someone picked you." Scourge said as the others laughed. 

"Oh Ha. Ha." Giving Scourge a stern look, I didn't notice Nicquel crawling all over me. She started to play with the rings around my wrist.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you even touch one of them." Sonic sounded surprised as I had no idea what to do with them.

"First time I've ever held a kid. I never got to meet mine" Little Nicky looked up at me, giggling. She clinged to me, and wouldn't let go no matter what they did.

"Well, at least you'll get to see them grow up." Scourge said, letting Ryker play with his sunglasses.

"Yeah... I'll get to see them grown up." I saw Mephiles give me a look out the corner of my eye. I don't think he remembers the whole thing about my ability. If he didn't remember it, I wasn't going to tell him. He didn't need to know, none of them needed to know.

"It'll just be one big happy family, before our lives were messed up" Scourge spun his hand around in a circle. He put on a big fake smile before laughing. Everyone started to join in, just as it's suppose to be.

(Sonic's POV)

I was shocked when Shadow wanted to spend time with the kids. He's never wanted to touch them or anything. Of course he'd help with them, but he never touched them. Shadow tried to be careful as he handled them, as he was going to break them or something. I notice Alula had more of an attachment to Scourge and Shadow then the others. Just something was off about Shadow. He was acting like this was his first time to handle kids, but... He was acting like this was going to be his last... Even Scourge noticed it to, yet he played along. Just what was Shadow up to?

"How about I make some late lunch?" Silver said, already walking to the kitchen. Shadow tried to get up, but Alula and Nicky wouldn't let him get up.

"Alright, give Uncle Shadz some room. Spend some your other uncle" Scourge laughed, as he swiped one of the kids off Shadow's lap, Fiona taking the other. Shadow smiled lightly before getting up to help Silver with lunch. Mephiles sighed as he held sleeping Ryker.

We all were thinking the same thing as Shadow left the room. What was he planning? Why was he acting like this is the last time he'll see us? But none of us had the courage to ask him. We know he wouldn't tell us either way, but he still felt off. Just why was he acting like this?

"Well, at least he's not doing anything stupid right now." Mephiles mumbled, staring at Ryker. "Ryker would be crying if Shadz were to do something." 

"Just stop worrying about it... Shadow always puts us first... He wouldn't do anything if it could hurt us in anyway.." Scourge tried to change the subject. "Besides, what's the worse that could happen? He die again?"

"Plus he made a promise... When we were younger." Everyone went silent as Mephiles said that. It really must be hard for them... It's hard for all of us, but I never had to deal with a death close to me. I need to stop rethinking about the past.

"You guys can stop talking about me at any time, y'know?" Shadow was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. We just kinda stayed quiet, embarrassed we were caught. Shadow just laughed at us, before rolling his eyes.

"Lunch is ready whenever" Silver mumbled as he walked by. He took food with him as he went upstairs. Silver was tired and sick most of the time, at least for the last week he's been waking up sick. Is he...? No he couldn't be, but what else could he be sick with...?

Mephiles watched him go upstairs, carefully setting Ryker down next to me. Shadow stared at the ground as Meph passed by him. Shadow looked worried... He's keeping something from us.

"Just get somethin' to eat already." Scourge nudged me as he stood, Alula and Nicky giggling. Scourge held them close as he walked away. He refused to make eye contact with Shadow, passing by him.

I still couldn't get my mind off of him, Shadow was a lot more talkative than he usually is. Even at home, he was willing to more with us. Laura was confused at Shadow's sudden change in behavior, but didn't say anything to him. Maybe once I get the kids asleep, I can talk with him. But... I fell asleep before I could talk to him.

-Later that night, (around midnight)-

Groaning, a bright red light flashed in my room. I didn't know what it was, but it was coming from outside. I walked as quietly as I could downstairs, not even knowing what time it was, but it sure as heck is pitch black out. Once I made it to the back door, I saw Shadow standing still. The red glow engulfed him, as I quietly stepped out. I watched as the glow slowly expanded until it almost touched the house. At first it was weird feeling, then it was really warm. I tried to get closer to him, causing a small noise. Shadow snapped around as the red glow quickly faded. I lost sight of Shadow fast, as I didn't notice him charging at me. I was slammed against the side of the house, Shadow's face very close to mine.

"You didn't see anything." Shadow said in a serious tone. It felt like his eyes pierced my soul. Before I could even say anything, Shadow disappeared with a flash.

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