Chapter 2

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"Look, Ray. You're gonna have to talk to her sooner or later." Roc Royal mumbled while walking to lunch the day after.

"No, actually i really dont." Ray Ray mumbled and reach for the tray.

Until he smelled vanilla and immediately saw Lesley grabbing his tray.

"I was getting that" He yelled.

"Oops, I didn't see you there." She replied with a wicked smile and tossed her hair before walking away.

"She's fiesty." Roc whispered with a smile.

"Good" He snickered.

"Anyway, how are you gonna get the dancing down?" 

"By webcam, ever heard of that ?" He said sarcastic.

"You're gonna actually webcam, instead of just freaking meeting up for like 2 hours during the week? That's just plain lazy Ray." Roc shook his head.

"Yeah, actually i am. I can't stand that chick even if she is really beautiful and a great dancer ... i mean-"

"Nope! You said it. Just admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That the "I can't stand her" is just an act, maybe she turns you on" Roc said and put his hand on his shoulder.

Ray laughed "You're freaking funny man. I will admit that she is pretty and great dancer but that's it. So get outta here." and he walked away.

"You'll admit it soon, just wait!" He heard Roc yelled from behind him.

Flipping him off, He saw Prodigy and Princeton.

"Aye! What's Up?" He tried to play it off.

"Uh, in school Ray. Duh" Prodigy burst out in laughter and Princeton shook his head.

"Whatever, Forget all of y'all" He said and walked away.

Putting on his headphone, He went on top of school's roof .

Atleast, i'm good up here ... He thought.

Lesley held her breath, as she saw Ray Ray climb the stairs for the roof top.

How the fxck did he find this place? She thought and mentally shook her head.

His blue jeans and gray shirt had a couple of spots from the dirt of the school stairs as he started to brush his self off, mumbling swears. She admired more of him; His braids always appeared tight and neat, his chocolate complexion glowed in the sun and his swag spoke his personality. 

She slowly tried to escape but she saw his nostrils flare and he suddenly looked back.

Shocked to see her, He backed up and everything went in slow motion.

He was so surprise to see the last person he wanted to see so close, Her hair was in a high bun as usual, she had on another tight top and her sweats made her have no butt...which he kind of hated. Her ballet shoes made her feet look smaller but he never notice that until now ..

"Fxck" He exclaimed and tripped while walking backward.

He saw she reach out for him & he reach out for her that's when it happen.

He felt the connected as soon as her hand landed into his. Then he was top of her, both breathing heavily, staring into each other eyes.

Omg...This can't be happening.. She thought loud in her mind.

Ray Ray is NOT on top of me ... and i am NOT liking it.

She could see his brown eyes soften when she bit her bottom lip.

"I am so sorry Ray. I didn't mean too. I-I" She stuttered.

Ray Ray chuckled and shook his head "Lesley! Chill."

Immediately she hushed and swallowed nothing but nervousness.

Seconds felt like minutes flying by. Finally, she whispered "Ray Ray"

He was suddenly lost in her eyes "Yeah?"

She pushed him up with her knees and sit up "Get off of me." 

He did the last thing she expected ... Grabbing her waist , he pulled her closer. "That was rude, Lesley."

Be still my heart...she thought. Exhaling slowly, she looked him in the eye "Well you're rude  Ray."

"I'm a bad boy."

"That's not an excuse. I'm a good girl so?"

"Bad boy do bad should be afraid of me."

"Well i'm not. You don't scare me."

"I should."

"You don't"

Their faces were inches away from each other, She slowly lean in and he copied.

Until, she gave him a evil grin.

She gave him a evil grin and his heart stopped.

She shoved him away and walked down the stairs but stop suddenly.

"My house. Tomorrow 2:30. Don't be late." She winked at him and climbed down.

Sneaky little bit. He thought as he shook his head...but she had played him at his own game.

"Let's play.." he snickered.

I Can Change Your Life: Ray Ray Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now