Chapter 5

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I went out from my classroom and holding my bookfile. Until I see Ryder is standing on the corner and smiling at me. I dont know either he is smiling at me or smirking at me. I just roll my eyes and turn my way to my locker and open my locker.

He really scared me and I dont know where he got my number because he start texting me and I guess it was from Marley and I dont wanna ask her since she was down because of what happen on last sectionals.

I shut my locker and put my hands inside my cheerios jacket then walk to the choir room for the glee club. I gasped when I see the choir room is empty. No music sheet, no music instrumental, and no throphies.

I turn my face to the others and they just sit down on the ground and half-smiled. I sit down on the back row until the rest walk in include Ryder who suddenly sitting down next to me. Finn and Mr. Schue just standing on the front and half-smiled at us.

"So, that's it? No more Glee?" Sam asks.

"Until next September." Mr. Schue says.

"Sugar already bailed." Artie says.

"Can I just say what everyone is thinking? This is Marley's fault. New Rachel, my butt. I knew Rachel Berry. I was friends with Rachel Berry, and you, Marley, are no Rachel Berry." Tina says angrily.

"Mm-hmm. Preach." Artie nodded as agree.

"Guys, guys, enough. It's not like it's over. The holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be." Finn says to us.

"You really expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade our loserdom for all to see?" Kitty asks.

"Yeah, Kitty does have a point. We agreed to do the show when we thought it would be on the heels of another Sectionals victory. Now it just feels like a pity party." Artie says.

"I love to sing and dance as much as anybody, but without a competition to prep for, it's hard to get motivated." Tina says.

"I understand that we need a little shift in perspective, but let's just enjoy this week, and look forward to our big comeback next year." Finn smiles at us.

"That's right." Mr. Schue nodded as agree.

"What about those of us who won't have a next year?" Sam asks them.

They just being quiet and standing on the front. The bells rings. I let out a sigh and stand up from my seat. One by one of them leave the choir room. I put my hand inside my cheerios jacket pocket and went out from the choir room. That was really bad. Seriously.

We lost sectionals and which mean there is no glee club anymore. Well at least for the sophomore like me still have another year but for those seniors? They dont have just like what Sam said.

Ryder's POV

I went out from the choir room and half-smiled at Marley. I know that everyone in choir room must be blame her because of this but everyone in that choir room have a point.

I let out a sigh and go back walk in the hallways until I see Jade is walking down alone with her head down. Since that day I cant get her out of my mind and I cant stop asking Marley about her and I guess I had a crush on her now.

Jade is a girl that hard to get. I know that. I've been texting her since I got her number from Marley but she answer my text with simple words and it's really turn me on to keep trying to get her.

"Can you stop starring at my sister's butt?" Jake frowns at me.

"Sorry, dude. She is kinda hot." I chuckle and turn my way to my locker.

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