Chapter 1

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Tempest here!!!! This is my first time writing a fan fic so please excuse if all the words aren't right.  Alright please COMMENT and let me know how it is! Thx!  

The cover is what Okami looks and dresses like.


Blood.  Blood was everywhere.  Bodies lay scattered across the temple floor as I rose from my long slumber.  It had been too long since I had been awoken.  These fools call themselves ninja, HA.  They thought they could defeat me.  The Goddess of blood and shadow.  Fools.  My blood red eyes scanned the room for my companions.  They should be awake by now.  Just then two very large wolves entered the room.  One was white, Yang, and the other was black, Yin.  A smile graced my face as they loped towards me.

"My friends, you have grown.  Come let us leave here."  They took their places on either side of me as we set out from Okami Temple.  Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.  My name is Okami.  I am one of the few surviving deities.  Only because I chose a life of slumber to being slaughtered by the one thing that could kill us, the dragon.  Of course, because I chose not to war with them they granted me a high privilage.  I am bound to one of their own.  A shadow dragon named Ryuu.  We have grown very close in all the years I slumbered and he remained inside my mind.

I pulled my white hair into a side pony-tail and placed four black and white feathers in my hair facing sideways.  I pulled my usual attire on (the cover is what she looks like) and set off with Yin and Yang.  It was days of walking before we reached a village that read Konoha.  Hmmmm the village hidden in the leaves.  I think I will begin a new life here, for now.

I entered the gates, seeing the guards asleep, and simply threw a kunai that I collected fom some of the dead ninja, at the desk in front of them.  They jumped up and landed in a crouch, ready for attack.  I simply raised a eyebrow at them as they looked this way and that.  Their eyes widened when they saw Yin and Yang. 

"Could you please take me to your Hokage.  I wish to join your village."  I said politely and they nodded and led me through the village.  I had to admit, it was very beautiful here.  We soon reached a tall building and they led me inside.  We ended up in a room in front of an old man who I assumed was the Hokage.  He looked at me then my wolves and said, "SO you wish to join this village.  Would you like to be a ninja?"

I thought for a moment and nodded.  I didn't feel like showing my power for now so I will act like a simple child.  He nodded and told the men who brought me here to take me to the academy.  "Oh, before I forget, here is your new apartment key.  And may I ask what is your name?" I took the key and thought for a second of what to tell him. "I am Okami Akuma."  I state simply as I walked out the door. 

Well, new life here I come.


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