Chapter 6

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"Sasuke, point B."

"Sakura, point C."

"Huh? Oh Naruto at point A, believe it!"

"Naruto , you're late.  Okami you in position?"  Kakashi asked.

"I hate cats."  I growled through the headset.  Kakashi sighed.

"What's your position from the target?"

"Sasuke, 5 meters."

"Sakura, same."

"Yeah, yeah yeah, lets just get it already!"  You guessed it, Naruto.

Naruto soon pounced on the cat and it started to claw his face off.  I wanted to help but there is no way I was getting near the hell-cat.

We handed the cat back to the fat lady and she nearly squeezed the life out of it.  Naruto and I chuckled at the cats pain.

Sarutobi started to go on about some other D-rank missions but Naruto was having none of it.  They got into an arguement which I ignored.  I opted for talking to Ryuu while they settled this issue.


"Yes, Mistress?"

"How you doing?"

Ryuu chuckled at me.

"I am doing well, My Lady.  How is your "normal" life coming along?"

I sighed. "It's kind of boring but my team is always a source of entertainment.  Speaking of which I should probably pay attention now." Ryuu chuckled again before fading back into my mind.

"Send him in."  Sarutobi told a random ninja.  An old drunk entered the room and I wrinkled my nose at the smell.  "This is Tazuna, you will be escorting him to the Land of Waves."

Hmmm the Land of Waves huh?  Should be interesting.  I missed Naruto's and Tazuna's arguement.  I saw Naruto just hanging in the grip of Kakashi.  I smirked on the inside at the sight.

We left to get supplies for our trip and soon met at the gates.  Naruto had so much stuuf, you would think he was moving permanently.   Knowing I would not be noticed, I melted into the shadows and shifted into a large white wolf.  I followed my team, sticking to the shadows.

It's kind of sad that they haven't noticed I'm not with them yet.  We passed a puddle and I sensed two weak chakra's in it.  Eh, my team can handle that.

I watched my team battle the two chuunin and eventually defeat them.  Tazuna ended up getting interrogated by Kakashi.

They decided to continue the mission and I followed once again in the shadows.  They finally reached a boat and I was forced to turn human once again and board with them.  They didn't realize that I had just now joined them.  I menatlly sweatdropped.  Seriously, what kind of ninja are you?

Well, I am a Goddess. I technically don't have any chakra.  As long as what I reign over still exists, I will always have power.

Naruto was flinging kunai this way and that and almost hit a snow white rabbit.  While they cooed over the rabbit, I sensed a stronger chakra coming this way...quick.

Kakshi suddenly yelled, "DUCK!!!!"

I didn't feel like moving so I turned myself into shadow and hung out in Kakashi's shadow.  A sword slamed into a tree behind us and a man landed on it.

"Well, Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Mist."

"Kakashi Hatake, Copy-Cat Ninja."

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