I Found You

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Madara was sleeping, the sound of his soft snores drifting though the darkness Sakura was currently floating in.

You see, since Sakura didn't have an actual body to call her own at the current moment, she didn't need to sleep, but instead began to feel sleepy when Madara did and felt better in the morning when he woke up. It was as if she had been the one sleeping when she had been conscious the whole time.

And she was bored out of her mind.

It had been nearly two weeks since she had ended up in the head of Madara Uchiha and out of all the confusion she had experienced, two things were painfully clear: 1) she wasn't getting out anytime soon and 2) this was her chance. This was a wild adventure—one that she had never gotten a chance to experience before—because this is where she could make an actual difference.

She could stick by his side and—since he obviously wasn't evil right now—make sure he didn't take the wrong path.

Sure, everything would be, as far as she knew, reset once she died, and in the big picture nothing she ever did would make a difference. But hey, she had always wondered what it would be like if Madara wasn't evil.

So during the eight to ten hours of sleep Madara got every night (Sakura, as a proud medic, had nagged him relentlessly when she found out that he only got about seven hours a night until he gave in and started to go to bed "early" as he called it) she tried to recall any and all information she had on Madara and his childhood—and she had a lot considering that she was a historian in her twenty third life.

Madara dreamt a lot during the night, and it was hilarious because they always gave her some leverage over him due to the fact that he could never remember them in the morning. It would annoy the living hell out of him when she would tease him with small tidbits of information.

She twirled her hair around her fingers (which was about the same length as it had been when she was eighteen) and brushed the tips over her nose and mouth, a habit she had developed in her second life while she was studying. She was watching one of the funniest dreams Madara had yet.

He was eating a cookie. And every time he took a bite of the cookie, the bite would instantly grow back.

It was adorable.

Sakura took her hair away from her face, twirling the strands on her index finger, not noticing the adoring smile that was creeping onto her face.

"I found you."

Sakura screamed, whipping around as best as someone could whip around when they were floating.

Madara jolted awake, sitting upright in a flash. "Whaa?" He spoke out loud, his voice weak with grogginess. "Wha 'appened, s'kura?"

Sakura stared blankly at the woman standing in front of her. She had blue hair that was neither a dark nor light shade of it, and bright–nearly neon– green eyes. Her eyes had a layer of gold eyeshadow brushed onto them and olive skin that seemed to glow with a heathy sheen. She was wearing a gold band on her head that was attached to chains that intertwined with her perfectly curly hair. She wore a simple white dress, but was covered in gold chains. She had a gold choker and gold bands covering her arms and legs along with chains covering her chest and shoulders. Her bangs were particularly strange since they were short on the side but slowly got longer until it reached the bridge of her nose and then went back up again in a V shape.

Sakura opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to make her vocal cords work.

"Don't worry, Mr. Uchiha." The woman said in a monotonous voice. "I only came to talk to Ms. Haruno. Or is it Mrs. Uchiha? You were married to Sasuke Uchiha once. Which do you prefer?" She tone too flat to be natural.

"How about just Sakura?"

The woman bowed her head in agreement as Madara butt in. "Sakura, you were MARRIED? To an UCHIHA?"

Sakura ignored him. "You know an awful lot, huh? Mind telling me who you are?"

A cat-like smile stretched across her beautiful face as she bowed mockingly. "I'm Kin."

"Gold?" Sakura echoed the meaning of the strange name.

Kin nodded, her smile staying in place. "Yes. I am the goddess of riches, as well as the captain of the RC. Rebirth Centre."

Sakura eyed her warily. "Ok, Kin, what're you doing here? What am I doing here?"

"Yes, I suppose I must explain that, shouldn't I?" She glanced around at their dark surroundings. "However, I must say that I've never been inside someone's head before. It's really quite interesting."

"I know the feeling," Sakura mused, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll get a team working on how to get you out of here every once in a while, if that's possible."

"Ok, let me get this straight. There are two people in my head, one of which is a goddess and the other is a wife to one of my relatives." Madan spoke once again.

"That is correct Mr. Uchiha."

Madara mentally sighed and fell into silence once more.

"So, mind explaining what's happening, Kin?" Sakura sneered. This was the woman. She was the reason why Sakura had to endure all of those lives. The reason why she watched her loved ones die over and over again, knowing she could never follow. She was the reason why Sakura felt the constant pain of knowing nothing she ever did would make a difference because once she died it would just go back to the way it was before. "Mind telling me why I was reborn thirty three times? And why the hell I'm in Madara Uchiha's head?" Sakura felt Madara flinch at the way she had spat out his name and she reminded herself to calm down. However, she was still seething with rage as she turned her sharp gaze towards the gold clad goddess in front of her. "Mind explaining who the hell these 'gods' are? Or why they think they have any right to manipulate someone's life like this? Mind explaining all of that to me, Kin?

Kin smiled tightly. "That will all be explained in due time. However, it seems that I am running out of time at the current moment." She held up her hand for Sakura to view. Her finger tips were quickly disappearing and the transparency was travelling up her hands and arms, her feet were starting to fade too. "Short visits just won't do, will they? I will get a team working on how to keep me here for longer. But until then, this is farewell, Sakura Haruno." She bowed mockingly, a cat-like smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes, as she faded away, disappearing completely until it almost seemed as if she hadn't been there in the first place.

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