Chapter 2: Here We Are...

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Professor Ozpin closed the assembly and turned to my team, motioning for us to gather around him. He spoke to us softly. "Go. Mingle with your classmates."

"Mingle?" Skyler repeated.

"Yes. Mingle," Ozpin confirmed. "Do not alienate yourselves from your peers because of your position; rather, it should motivate you to involve yourselves even more fully with them. Let them get to know you. Let them see you as normal students. As they do so, they will begin to see in you what I and the other headmasters see. They will see not only your skills and power, but also the characters within you that make you such valuable members of this team. When they see that, they will be even more driven to follow your example."

I spoke for my team. "Understood, sir."

"Good. You're free to do as you wish for the rest of the day. Meet some of the other students. Get settled and rest up. You're to report to my office at 8 am tomorrow morning for further instructions prior to your first class. That will be all. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir!" we replied in unison.

As Professor Ozpin turned to leave, I moved to ask him the questions that were on my mind. 'Why me? Why was I chosen to lead this team? I shouldn't even be here!'

He turned and met my eyes knowingly before I could speak. "Rest assured, Mr. (l/n). We will speak tomorrow, and all of your questions will be answered." I could only sigh and nod in agreement. He smiled and continued on his way out of the auditorium.

I turned to my team. "Alright guys, you heard the man! Initiate Operation 'Mingle'!"

My teammates cheered and pumped their fists in agreement. I led the way off the stage and into the crowd, most of the students already filing toward the exits.

Skyler was walking beside me. She stopped and pointed toward the far corner. "Hey, isn't that team RWBY?" We all followed her gaze, and indeed there was the little girl in red waving enthusiastically to get our attention. She was surrounded by her team and some other students I didn't recognize.

I smiled, amused by her youthful cheeriness, and addressed team VYTL, "I guess we should go say hello." The others nodded in agreement.

We made our way over to the group, weaving carefully through the crowded auditorium. As we approached, Ruby greeted us warmly. "Hey guys!!!! This is so cool! I had no idea you guys were so important! We were all like 'Whoa! What?!'!"

My team and I all exchanged looks and couldn't stop our laughter. None of us really considered ourselves all that special - except maybe DJ, but his all-star attitude was mostly a joke.

Jameson spoke up. "It really isn't that big a deal. None of us really expected or wanted to be representative participants."

A red-haired beauty in embroidered, bronze battle gear and a tiara voiced her opinion. "But the fact that you were all hand-selected by your headmasters for this assignment speaks volumes of what you are all capable of. I doubt any of you would have been chosen if you weren't qualified."

The Representative: Yang Xiao Long x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now