Volume 2, Chapter 2: A Nightmare of an Evening

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Team VYTL and team JNPR sat at a large table in the cafeteria. It was lunchtime, but, for whatever reason, team RWBY had decided not to join us. 

It was almost a little strange to be seated at a meal without Yang close next to me. I felt a little empty whenever she wasn't around and this moment was no different.

"Hey, Jameson!" A feminine voice drew me out of thoughts. I looked over and saw a group of seven or eight very pretty girls gathered at the end of our table, surrounding Jamie. Judging by the mix of uniforms, most of them were exchange students visiting for the Vytal Festival, but all of them were staring at Jamie with adoring faces. 

I stifled a laugh at the sight of his nervous expression. This was the second time this week that he'd been ambushed by a crowd of women, something he wasn't familiar with at all. He'd become very popular with the ladies recently. It was hilarious!

"Uhhh... H-hello, ladies," he said. "W-what can I d-do for you?" He was starting to sweat. For a guy so big, strong, intelligent, and good-looking; he sure was a chicken when it came to girls.

The leading lady was a gorgeous girl with deep blue eyes and long, straight, black hair pulled back with a navy blue headband. Her lack of an actual "uniform" indicated she was from Shade Academy. She was the voice of the group. 

"Well... we were all planning on going to the Festival fairgrounds tonight, and maybe get something to eat from one of the vendors... We thought it would be really cool if you came with us."

Jamie was quick on his excuse. "I really appreciate it, but I was already planning to go with my friends," he said. "I'm sorry, girls." 

'You're a dirty, rotten liar, Jamie.'

Every one of those pretty faces was taken over by disappointment. "Oh... ok... well, maybe we'll see you there," the leader said sadly.

Jamie put on a fake, friendly smile. "Yeah! Maybe!"

As the girls walked away, Jamie let out a sigh of relief. He caught DJ and I staring at him in disgust and raised his hands innocently. "What?!"

"Do you know how many guys would kill to be in your shoes right now?" I asked.

"I know, and it's certainly flattering," he said hanging his head. "It's just that dating isn't something I'm interested in right now."

DJ jumped in. "Dude! It's not even about dating!" he scolded. "It's just hanging out with some girls and having fun! It doesn't always have to be something serious!"

The big guy was silent, so DJ continued. "Bro, that was JENESSA ABERNATHY!!!!" He emphasized her name as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world. "She is the smartest and most popular first-year girl at Shade Academy! The team she leads just took over my old crew as Rank-1 in the class. She is the girl every guy at Shade wants but can't have. No guy could ever make any progress with her, yet here she is fawning over YOU!"

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