Epilogue: Vengeance

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"No! Please, don't kill me! I'll tell you whatever you want!"

The masked Faunus backed away on all fours. The terror was plain on his countenance as he fumbled across the blood soaked floor of the warehouse. 

I leered over him, my face disguised under the hood of my jacket. One of my katanas glinted blue in my hand, dripping with the blood of the coward's comrades.

My voice was a low growl. "Where is Adam Taurus?"

A few minutes later, I stepped out of the warehouse and walked down the path toward the woods from which I'd come. I tossed aside the rag I'd been using to clean my blades as I reached the treeline.

"Find anything out?" A jovial voice inquired. 

I turned to see my fiance Yang leaning up against a tree. As she emerged from the shadows, so did the rest of our friends. They hadn't changed a whole lot physically in the past year since the fall of Beacon, but what we had experienced then and since had forced us to grow up a lot.

I let out a sigh. I was exhausted. "Yeah," I muttered. "We're close. Taurus left here just yesterday. He and fifty of his men headed East. Didn't say exactly where they were going."

Blake spoke up, her golden eyes shining bright under the shattered moon. "If they left yesterday, they'll have a pretty big lead on us by now," she said grimly. "There's no way we'll be able to catch up to them tonight. We should make camp and get an early start tomorrow."

Pyrrha shared her own thoughts. "I agree with Blake, but we should at least distance ourselves from the warehouse. If any more White Fang show up, we'll have an unnecessary issue."

Yang looked at me thoughtfully. "What do you think, Babe?"

My eyes were set down the road. "Yeah," I said. "We'll follow East for a few hours then set up camp."

DJ wrapped his arm around Pyrrha's shoulders and started to march enthusiastically with her down the road. "Well, guys! You heard the man! Let's go!"

I followed glumly after them. Yang quickly fell into step at my side, taking my hand. She'd gotten into the habit of walking on my right side so that, whenever we held hands, she was always gripping to me with her real hand. 

I was reminded of this when she pulled out a handkerchief with her robotic hand and started cleaning my leather jacket. "You got some blood on your jacket," she whispered.

My old friend Ren had joined us on my left side. "Speaking of which," he said. "Don't you think you're getting a little too extreme with your interrogations?"

"You trying to make a point, Ren?" I growled. 

"I'm just saying," he muttered defensively. "Every time we've come across a White Fang base, you've become more and more violent trying to get information."

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