Chapter IV (Getting Kicked out of Class)

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~~~Time Skip~~~ (We're just lazy)

Asher's POV

During the winter, I've been balancing schoolwork and snowboarding carefully. If I didn't keep my grades up, I couldn't compete. So, I was careful to get my studying in, too.

The lightning snowboard is amazing. The edge is strong, and the flex and camber make the steering just my level. Not too sensitive, but just right. I can ride down mountains if I like, or just ride in a powder bowl.

Alex's been kept busy with some girl that I can't remember the name of. I heard he's made a couple friends, and they became inseparable. I cannot remember their names either...

Me, I haven't needed any friends, all I need is good powder and my board. In the evenings, I would run or jog down there, getting some light cardio just about every day. The resort is small, but has good places to ride.

I like it there. Keeping to myself, I can really hit on some of the tricks for the competition, and I think I got a chance at the at prize money. When the time comes, I hope all the practice pays off.

When I first hit the trails, starting light, I was immensely surprised by how soft I've gotten, because I fell of the first turn I tried. A sharp turn, but still. I felt so ashamed.

At home, Mable started calling Alex "Small," and me "Tall." She also nailed a 'T' to my door, and an 'S' to Alex's, and that girl of Alex's asked what it meant, but I don't think he answered her. Poor, poor Alex.

My alarm clock buzzed at me, and I punched it of the bedside table, and it shut off. Just like every other morning. I groaned, and sat up. Yawning, I stood, and then did my morning scratches. I walked down the hall, smelling bacon. As I walked in, it hit me that I didn't have a shirt yet. Groaning at Mable and the bacon, I trudged back up to my room, and put on a shirt.

In the kitchen, I sat, and was served a plate of four pancakes, seven slices of bacon, and a big glass of orange juice. Mable knew me so well.

"Mable gives Tall his favorite breakfast," she narrated.

I grunted my thanks, and she nodded, accepting. Naturally, I dug in.

As Alex walked in, also forgetting a shirt and groaning like I did, went back. When he returned, he had a shirt. Just like I did. He was served a plate of three pancakes, four slices of bacon, and a medium glass of orange juice. His favorite. Alex ate less than I did, probably because he did less every day.

"Thanks, Mable," he thanked.

She nodded, staying silent. I think I'm her favorite.

Mable took the remaining two pancakes, three slices of bacon, and a small glass of orange juice. This became her favorite when it was the leftovers to every breakfast. Every breakfast.

We ate, and I finished first, even though I had the most food. I stood, and put my dishes in the sink. While I jogged up to my room, I thought about the test I was going to take today. I had it in the bag.

I showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and then drove to school and sat in my first hour class.

I was immediately handed a test, and I got to business.

At the end of the hour, we received our tests. There were scattered grunts of annoyance and quiet squeaks of joy.

I looked at my paper, and saw a big red ......... A-?


An A-? My jaw dropped, and I angrily flipped through the test. I missed a freaking comma! #$@!%^&>?!

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