Chapter XXII (Breanna and Danny and Bethany)

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Asher's P.O.V.

For the day, I decided to take a long ride around. I cruised the Camaro around what felt like the state, and by the time it was four in the afternoon, I was as tired as I had ever felt in a long time. Pulling over, I took my phone out of my jeans pocket and clicked Google Maps. I typed in Lexi's address, which I had picked up a while back.

143 miles.

With a sigh, I turned my Camaro around as the voice that possessed my phone instructed, and turned the radio up. Guns N' Roses came on through the station I was on, and I tapped my hand on the wheel.

"Welcome to the jungle

We've got fun 'n' games

We got everything you want

Honey, we know the names

We are the people that can find

Whatever you may need

If you got the money, honey

We got your disease."

I sang with Axl Rose, and continued to tap the wheel with my fingers. Rolling down the window and letting wind whip my hair around, I placed my phone against my ear to hear if it talked.

142 miles later, I pulled up to Lexi's house and knocked loudly on the door. A girl with near-black, curly hair answered the door. Her bright eyes pierced mine with distrust.

"Who are you?" she asked curtly.

"Where's Lexi?" I asked instead.

"Answer my question."

"Asher. Now where's Lexi?"

"Not here."

"Uh... Yuliet?"


"Eh, Alex?"


"Pfft... Ashley?"

She frowned. "One second." She was gone with the slam of the door.

Several minutes later, I was getting real frustrated, and was just taking the first step towards the Camaro when the door opened back up. I turned around, and saw Ashley in the doorway.

"You called?" she asked.

"Yeah, I did." I tried to walk past her, but she stepped in my way, a hard scowl on her face. "Funny funny. Move."

She rolled her eyes, stepped inside, and shut the door in my face.

"Aw, thanks," I yelled through the door at her. I punched the door in my frustration. Wait a second... Where the fuck was Alex? "Ashley! Where the fuck is Alex?!"

She opened the door with Alex at her side, and he was practically sleeping on his feet. He gave me a feeble wave, and I frowned.

"Asher?" he asked, squinting at me.

"No, you dumbass. I just happen to look like you but taller." I rolled my eyes. "Fuck, Alex. Yeah, it's Asher."

He rolled his eyes at me. "What you doing outside? Get in here."

"Eh," Ashley said, stopping my step inside. "We took a vote."

"For what?" Alex and I synced.

"You sleep in the garage."

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me."

I shook my head, and left for the Camaro.

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