Chapter VIII (Comminuted Factures)

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Alex's POV

I woke to a dull aching pain. A soft and steady beeping nose was going off and I could smell alcohol and other cleaning products in the air.

I took a look around, I was definitely lying in a hospital bed. Question is, how did I get here? Why am I here? Then, I located the sharp pain. It was coming from my right shin. I felt like I had been kicked really hard during a football game.

"Do you need anything?" came a fake plastic voice.

I did a double take. The makeup-caked woman was looking at me funny, while waving around a microphone like a maniac. The poor cameraman. He had to dodge a few whacks.

"I'm fine," I responded, my voice raspy from disuse.

"Oh, you poor dear," she flailed her arms like a madwoman, "I'll get you some water, k?"

I really, really didn't want this woman to get me anything, or like be near me.

"It's fine, seriously," I said, rather forcibly. I faked a smile.

"Winston," she snapped her fingers at the cameraman, "Get him some water."

"No, no," I shook my head rapidly, "It's fine."

The lady sighed as if I was causing her a shit load of trouble. Bitch.

"No, It's not fine. Who was it that hurt you? Have you been hurt before? Was that tall guy related to you?" The foundation-coated weirdo was firing off questions at a high-powered speed.

Tall guy? Could she mean Asher? What happened? I groaned, my head not being able to take on the question overload. I leaned back in the hospital bed as memories flowed through me. The trail. The snowboarder. The hit. Shit.

Asher hit me with his snowboard. Bastard.

I flinched, my head starting to pound. The sharp pain filled my head and I let out a shriek.

"Water!" yelled the lady, I should really catch her name, "Winston get him water! He's dehydrated!"

No, I'm not. Get me some aspirin.

A nurse, lured in by the noise level, poked his head inside the door of the whitewashed room. Thank god for nurses with ears. She seemed to be shocked when she noticed the crazy, makeuped, microphone wielding lady. (And her Winston, of course).

"You?!?" She gasped, "I thought that I already kicked you out, Kelsey Gaders!"

She came up to the chick, Kelsey I guess, and grabbed some of her over-hairsprayed, over-bleached platinum blonde hair and literally dragged her from the room. The cameraman followed meekly. If I had not been in serious pain, I would have laughed my ass off.

Well, even with my painful headache, I still managed to let out a mirthless chuckle before collapsing. I fell into dreamless sleep.

______time skip (stole the idea from Asher)_____________

I woke, feeling completely numb. I blinked open my eyes to see a smiling man in a white lab coat. I assumed he was the doctor.

"Oh, so you're awake, Alex was it?"

I tried to nod, but I couldn't feel any part of my body.

"Try to stay calm, this may be a little bit of a pinch."

I felt a prick in my inner wrist. It must have been a needle shot.

"There, you shouldn't feel any pain for the next couple of hours," said the most-likely-a-doctor.

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