Chapter XIX (The Dark Side)

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Asher's POV

Right as Angela's avatar crossed the cross hairs of my sniper, smoke curled from under my door, and I shot to my feet.

"Fire," I informed Angela, who was looking at me in alarm.  "We need to go.  Now."

She nodded and grabbed her bag as I took her hand, touching the door for heat.  Warm, but not hot.  I touched the handle.  Still cold.  Turning it, smoke exploded in the room, making me cough.  Beyond the doorway, flames curled along the walls and pictures, devouring everything in sight.

I spun around and kicked the window until it shattered.  Gesturing towards the window to Angela, I grabbed the only thing I wanted to keep; my phone.  Funny, ha ha.

Angela looked at the drop towards the pool, and shrunk back in, squeezing the life out of my hand, now.

"I can't jump, Asher," she insisted.

"Come on, I got ya," I coaxed, not having time for this.  Orange, blazing streaks sizzled and sparked behind us.

Angela shook her head.  I nodded, my throat parched from the smoke and ashes.  Rolling my eyes in the intense heat, I threw her over my shoulder, getting a flashback.


 "Fuck it," I growled at him, and hauled him over my shoulder, and grabbed his crutches before they hit the ground.

"Asher!" Alex shouted.

I could practically hear his shame as he gave up, and became limp.  Smiling, I walked up the long staircase, and the pink cast wasn't helping me sober from my joy-high.  Alex, being carried by me and with a hot pink leg, is now thoroughly humiliated.  I set him down on the couch, and tossed his crutches next to him.

"You're welcome," I pressed.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

*End of Flashback*

Angela was protesting, apparently wanting to see, now.  I flipped her around quickly, and tossed her carefully out the window.  She screamed as she fell, and I leaned out the window, watching.  Angela landed with a splash, and I turned back to the flames.  I laid on my stomach, and army-crawled towards the kitchen/living room, calling for Alex.

"Alex!" I screeched out hoarsely.  "Alex!  Answer me, dumbass!  Alex!"

A groan sounded from in front of me, and I picked up the pace and saw Alex on the ground.  His crutches her nowhere to be found, and I pulled him towards the door.  He became dead weight after a second, probably passed out.

Nearing the door, I stood and hauled him up over my shoulder yet again.  A drowned-cat-like Angela sat in a fetal position, rocking back and forth until she saw us.  Her face lit up, and she ran to us and helped me lay Alex on the grass.

"Passed out?" I asked Angela, who was checking his pulse.

"Yep," she rasped.

I nodded, and turned towards the house, suddenly remembering about Mable.

"Mable," I whispered, running to the flaming mansion.

Suddenly, a blur was in my vision, and I was on the ground, a girl beside me.  She groaned, rolling onto her stomach.  I looked at her in confusion, but apparently Angela knew her.

"Brittany!" Angela called, rushing to her aid.  "What the hell are you doing here?!"

'Brittany's' face lifted, and she pulled Angela into a hug on the ground.  The house collapsed, and I turned towards it, dread filling my soul.  Mable.  Dead.  Gone.

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