I'm Done with Numbers

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I know, it's been a while. Deal with it, yet again.


Asher's POV (The Store)

Alex was running around the store as I walked in. He came running towards me as the door closed, and we collided.

Now on the floor, I swore and pushed Alex off of me. He got back up and ran the other way without a word. I stood and looked to my right, where he had gone off to.

A Whiffle ball rolled into my view from the isle, and then several smacking sounds.

"Ouch, stop it!" Alex's voice whined, sounding hurt.

I shruggged and walked towards the isle. Yuliet and Lexi were at the far end with a bag of Whiffle balls, with Alex in the middle, with his arms guarding his head.

Lexi and Yuliet continued to chuck the Whiffle balls at my twin, and I couldn't help but smile. I can't help it, I'm a sadist.

Long story short...a Whiffle ball war, a candy explosion, two box hunts, and a let's-hit-Alex-as-fucking-hard-as-we-can-with-a-plastic-bat game, we paid and left for some church.

~~~Time Skip~~~

(The Bus)

Alex practically chugged the drink from the cup, and Yuliet gave Lexi a fist bump behind his back as he boarded the bus. I mentally shrugged and walked in after him.

Cole and Breanna were already seated in the bus as I walked up the stairs. Alex strode straight for the back seat and laid across it.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Lexi, Yuliet, and Ashley sang out some song I hadn't heard as loud as they possibly could. I turned up the volume on my phone, trying to block out their voices with my music.

I want your bite, my music sang. I swear I'll be going deaf after this.

I wanna taste the salt of your sweat. The drums of my ears vibrated, it seemed. I don't know if that's natural or not, but...

One of my earbuds was yanked out. The girls' voices blared into my ears, and I turned to glare while trying to get my earbud back.

"Step three..." they chorused before I blocked them out.

Ashley's fingers were wrapped firmly around my life purpose, and she didn't seem to fancy the idea of letting go as she shook her had as she sang.

"Fucking... Let go," I demanded, looking her dead in the eye.

She smiled in unison with her friends, still singing. Lexi swiped my phone while Yuliet had my other earbud. I stood, reaching for them back.

"You little fuckers!" I snapped, my temper unmatched.

They laughed between lyrics and ran to the back of the bus. I chased them, ending up with Ashley and Lexi guarding Yuliet, who had my phone behind them.

The short, blue-headed girl had an earbud in, and her mouth open. The trio had ceased their singing, thankfully, and Breanna had taken Yuliet's place at the driver's seat.

I saw red as I reached over the two girls, towards Yuliet. Lexi and Ashley pushed me away, causing me to come back and pull them away from the midget.

"You dirty, dirty boy!" Yuliet scolded, the song still on.

"Shut up." It sounded like a growl to me, but I don't know.

I tore my phone and the earbuds from her and pushed past Lexi and Ashley, who stuck out their tongues at me. Ignoring them, I pressed the Pause button on my screen and unplugged the earbuds before stuffing them into my jacket pocket.

Yuliet's voice could be heard, whispering loudly to her friends. Cole was silent as he did... something... I'm not sure what... on his phone. Alex remained in the backseat, buckled in awkwardly, a half-handlebar moustache across his upper lip. It was purple.

~~~Time Skip~~~

A long time later, Breanna stopped the bus. Almost everyone was sleeping. I turned around and immediately caught Ashley's eye. Well, I was right. Not everyone.

She stood up from her seat and held a finger to her lips.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Some random man stood on some doorstep we had stopped at, his arms wide open and a smile on his face.

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