Please Don't Go

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Enjoy :3

::Sean's POV::

My eyes snapped open as I sat up drenched in sweat screaming​ and crying. My hands gripped my hair tightly tugging and pulling at it. I heard the door open abruptly making me curl up in a ball and close my eyes tightly. I bet I looked pathetic but the pain would comes soon I'm sure of it. But I didn't feel pain I felt a warm embrace and someone cooing soothing and soft comforting words. A hand was placed on mine and slowly removed it from my head I slowly open my eyes and look over at the mysterious person to see it was Mark. "Mark.." I quickly latched onto him, hugging him tightly and sobbing into his shoulder. I felt weak and pathetic, helpless and a burden, "shh it's okay Sean I'm's over shh..." I gripped onto his shirt tightly. Slowly and eventually calming down, "H-He..." I was cut off by Mark who was still trying to calm me down. "I'm here its okay..." I loosen my grip on him feeling rather drained and tired from all the sobbing and screaming I did. My eye lids drooped and eventually closed as I greeted the darkness that followed.

-small time skip-

::Mark's POV::

It has been at least 30 minutes since Sean had his little episode. I was currently drinking some coffee and eating some cereal as well until I hear a door close. I look up and see Sean standing close by yawning and rubbing his eyes like a little child. "Good Morning Sean." I said with a kind smile and motion him to come over. He held out his hands so I could take ahold of them, I stood up and hugged him in a comforting way.

It has been a week since Sean and I started going out with each other and his night terrors have gotten a little better until they eventually got worse. It broke my heart whenever I saw Sean like this, he's barely gotten any sleep and I haven't either mostly because I was trying to calm him down whenever he woke up screaming and crying fir help. Sean even starting going quiet again...sure he would say good morning, hello, thank you ect but most of the time he was quiet.

"Good morning Mark..." he whispered as he nuzzled into my chest sighing heavily in the process. I kiss the top of his head and slowly pull away from the hug. I held his hands and stroked them with my thumbs. "Hungry?" he slowly shook his head, he looked exhausted... His eyes were a little red from crying, his voice was raspy from screaming, he was growing pale and had bags under his eyes. I frown a bit, "You sure?" he nods in response as he looked down at the ground, I led him to the couch and let him sit down while I went to go get him some water and his medication.

He had to take medication for depression and a few other things. I brought them to him and set the water on the coffee table and held out my hand for his. He placed his hand on mine his palm facing the ceiling so I could pour some of the pills onto his palm. Eventually he took them and I put them away and we just sat in silence.

I sighed and faced towards Sean who was looking into an oblivion "Sean?" he looks over at me.

"I have to leave and go back to America.."

Yeah...sadness and feels.... :'( anywho thank you for reading. And like always I will see you in the next chapter bye bye.

Song of inspiration: Please Don't Go -Joel Adams

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