Stay Still, Don't Move (3 year later)

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I know sudden time skip shut up!


Orange Juice...? Or beer....? That was the real question right now and very important to answer wisely. "Mark hurry up the pizza is getting cold!" I hear a familiar voice, "Yeah okay I'm coming!!" I holler back grabbing a few beer kicking the door closed. I sped walk to were my friends were sitting handing each of them a beer, "Thanks Mark." each of them said as I handed each of the one, "No problem guys." I fell into the couch between my friends Ethan and Tyler. Ethan glances over at me with a roll of his eyes, "What?" I asked trying to act oblivious, "You're such a third wheel." complains Tyler with groan. I let out a laugh, "It's my job you guys!" I tease reaching over to get a slice of pizza. There was a sudden silence, I look at Tyler and Ethan, "What?" I asked cocking my eyebrow up.

"How are you and Jack?" I cringe at the name Tyler uses, "It's Sean." I corrected glancing over at him. Tyler rolls his eyes, "Have you seen his latest videos?" now that I think of it, no I haven't. A month after I left Ireland to come back here Sean had started a Youtube channel called Jacksepticeye where he was playing video games and vlogging as a therapy type thing. Then he started not responding to my texts abd from then on we stopped talking for three years. Sure there were occasional tweets and such but that was not full conversations with I miss yous and I love yous those kind of disappeared.

Ethan takes his phone and pulls up Sean's latest vlog showing it to me. It started With him clearing his throat and look down at the floor in shame. "Uh.." his voice cracks, "I'm uh...sorry...heh.." I look at it curiously, "I'm so sorry." Sean look up at the screen his eyes were dull, he was pale and thin. Ethan sighs, "I'm sorry I'm not good enough. And I'm sorry that I can't give you all what you want but just so you know I am trying so hard okay?" Sean sniffles as tears threatened to spill. "It's hard...and-and I'm not trying to get attention I'm just trying to get a point across." My heart broke at his appearance. Ethan hands me his phone and walks out of the room his hand over his mouth Tyler following behind. I put my full attention onto Sean's video, "Bit I can't continue being someone I'm not. I'm not perfect and to be honest I hate everything about myself. Heh..." He let's out a small chuckle. "I can't continue...period....Everything is going to shit...I miss my boyfriend I haven't talk to him in three years. I constantly get insulted on Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and so on..." Sean is crying by now, "I bet you guys wouldn't even care if I left." I paused the video and scroll down to the comments.

God what a attention whore...

Good no one will care! Plus you don't even have the balls to do it!

No Jack we love you!!! Don't listen to those dicks!!

I bet you're boyfriend doesn't even love you. I would be ashamed of being your boyfriend.

Jack needs to loose more weight jesus.

My nose scrunches up in disgust at the different comments most of them were hateful comments. And then there were the handful that said they loved him and care about him very much. I quickly reach into my pocket and open to Sean's contact. Quickly texting him:

Sean? Baby? You there?

I waited worry filling me to the brim when I got a text.


Yeah It's me! Baby what's wrong? I saw your video.

Mark...Why would you even care?

What do you mean?

You haven't texted me in 3 years. Some long distance relationship.

Sean I've been busy you know this!



Do you still love me...?

Of course I do!

...then why does everyone say you dont..

Because they're fucking dicks!!!


I love you to the ends of the earth Sean! Even if we don't talk I'll always love you.

I love you too Mark.

Good. And never forget that I love you and care about you a lot!

Okay :3




(Yes I did add the okays from the last chapter and this chapter as a reference to Fault In Our Stars because IT IS A GREAT BOOK!!! Also this was filler chapter so yeah.....And a new chapter will be up today :3 and like always I will see you in the next chapter buh bye!!!)

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