To The Moon and Back 🌙

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Hi new update whoooo


By the time we were all done and ready to go it was already sun down. We all headed out of the Starbucks smiling and talking to one another. I smiled brightly as I glanced at everyone for once in my life I felt normal. I had now a great group of friends, a loving boyfriend and my life is getting back together. We all said our goodbyes I hugged Tyler and Connor goodbye while Joe, Mark and Troye all did a whole pat on the shoulder smile at each see you tomorrow type thing since support group is tomorrow too.

I walked along side Mark as we headed to the apartment, "Sean do you still want to go to America after what happened?" I shrugged. It's bee three weeks since what happened and everything has been going up and down with Mark and I. We're fighting more and more often I avoid him sometimes and I've been having night terrors that were worse than they were before.

"I-I honestly don't know...." I mean yes I would love to go to America with Mark and start a new life. I really owe it to him plus just making him stay here with me is making me feel like I'm taking him away from his friends and family, but I kind have stead started a new life here in Ireland. I have a group of friends now and my life is getting back on track.

Mark sighs, "I understand. Well how about I just go and you or me can just visit each other once in a while?" I nod, "I suppose that would be the best thing to do.  I just...don't Flying and going to a new place-let alone a country just seems...scary...." Mark nods, "Yeah I can see where you're coming from." I smiled softly gazing up at Mark.

I looked back down at our hands as we continued walking back to the apartment. Mark reaches over to my hand and takes a hold of it, I held back tightly and for once in my life I actually felt proud of myself. "Baby steps Jack baby steps." Mark whispers happiness lacing his voice, "Mark?" I asked softly walking a little more closer to him. "Yeah?" Mark looks straight ahead of us a small smile was curled on his lips, "Do you...Do you think everything is...better now..?" I asked a frown forming on my face as I loosen my hold on Mark's hand looking down at the sidewalk. Mark sighs, "Well...Yes I do believe this are getting better than they were." I nodded in agreement.

"But like everything it won't last that long you know?" Mark glances down at me with a frown on his face, "I guess.." I tried to avoid Mark's gaze. "So let's enjoy it while it lasts." I intertwine our fingers.


Hi sorry for the short chapter but yeah!! Also an announcement a week ago I met a great friend and we are making an animation together on our new youtube channel! I will keep you guys updated on that. See you guys in the next chapter.

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