Silent but Screaming

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"Mark I can tie my shoes I'm not 7." I complained shooing Mark away from my feet. Ever since we came back to my apartment from the hospital a week ago Mark has been acting like I had cancer. He was quite literally in a frenzy to keep me from my lung(s) from collapsing again. Yeah you heard me again, I was diagnosed with pneumothorax so much fun. I let out a sigh and bend over tying my shoes, I was taken off of the oxygen tank and now go to a therapist and a support group. Though I don't really talk to the therapist or the support group. I honestly do not want to talk to anyone but Mark. I only feel comfortable talking to him since he's practically in my mess of a life.

I hear Mark's rushed footsteps hurrying towards me making me look up. I couldn't help but start laughing, "Sean why aren't you getting your Jacket on! The support group is starting in a few minutes!" I calm down a bit wiping a tear out of my eye. "Sorry mum but you're not wearing any pants." Mark pauses and looks down jumping a bit in shock. "Oh for fucks sake!" he shouts running back to my room (which I share with Mark) to go get some pants.

I slowly stood up putting on my jacket and placing my beanie on. I look around for my phone looking around for a bit, "Mark!? Have you seen my phone!?" I hollered continuing to look around, "Yeah! It's in here!" he shouts back I hear his belt buckle rattle which ment he was almost done. "Can you bring it to me!?" I shout standing there next to the couch leaning up against it. "Sure!" He quickly runs back out handing me my phone, "Thanks-" I was shortly cut off by Mark grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the flat. "Ow-Mark stop you're hurting my wrist." my eyes went wide.


"Ow-! Stop! You're hurting me!!" I holler only to hear the softly lustful laugh as he gripped my wrists tighter leaving bruises.

~end of flashback~

I pull my wrist away my breathing was heavy and the room was spinning. I took a few steps backwards, Mark glances at me and holds out his hand, "Sean...?" I flinched I started mumbling to myself, " it's only a memory, it's not real, It's not real..." I gripped my arms tightly leaning against the wall. "Oh my god Sean I triggered a memory didn't I?" I sniffled trying to calm myself down slowly shaking my head. Even though I was lying Mark knew it I didn't know what the point of me lying knowing that Mark wasn't as gullible as anyone else. "Sean don't lie to me please..." Mark says coming closer to me, "I'm fine.." I whispered still huddled up in my frightened position. I headed over to the car opening the passenger side opening the door and getting inside. A few minutes later Mark got in as well, he began to start the engine and drive out of the parking space. "Sean I-"

"C-Can we please not talk about this...." I murmured leaning my head against the window. Mark sighs, "Okay..." and from then on the car trip was silence.

*   *   *

"Alright everyone let's start with introduction shall we? Anyone want to start?" says the leader of the support group his name was Tyler Oakely. He was to me a bit of a nut job and weird but he was funny and very kind. "Come on ya'll we need and ice breaker. How about you Joe?" I glance over to one of the members. He slowly stood up with a soft smile on his face, "Um..My name is Joe Sugg. And I have been with this group for a year now and I was diagnosed with depression." he says before sitting back down in the chair.

Basically this support group was for mentally ill people I called it the crazy group but I never really said that out loud not even to Mark. "Alright thank you for sharein'. Anyone next?" The next member stood up, "My name is Marcus Butler and I was diagnosed with Anxiety and I've been here for a year as well." Tyler smiles in approval.

It took a 15 minutes to get through everyone, and everyone was somehow same but different at the same time. There was Connor with depression, Hanna was an alcoholic, Ethan with ADHD and so on. This support group was What I found mostly interesting was that Mark knew Ethan. Then it was my turn, I slowly stood up picking at my nails nervously. I stood there struggling to say something I look behind me seeing Mark sitting there smiling as if saying You Got This!!! I turn back around and hesitantly say my name but almost as quiet as a whisper. "A-And I was diagnosed...w-with P-PTSD and d-depression..." I slowly sat down getting mentally facepalming myself. There was some murmuring but I ignored it, "Thank you for sharing Sean it must be hard but we're here for you." there was some agreements going around the room.

I guess this'll be alright...

Woe this was a long chapter holy shit. Anyways hope you enjoyed it and yes I added some vloggers in here I love all youtubers mentioned here so yeah XD AND like always I'll see you in the next chapter. Buh bye!!!

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