Bel istirahat berbunyi. ms.vina keluar dari kelas diikuti sorakan murid murid dikelas. rencananya sih aku mau keruang musik. aku berjalan menuju ruang musik lalu dengan perlahan ku buka pintu ruang musik tersebut. terlihat seorang perempuang dengan rambut curly besar sepinggang membelakangiku, ia duduk didepan piano. aku tetap berdiri disini, si depan pintu, melihat perempuan tersebut memainkan tuts tuts piano. ia tidak menyadari kehadiranku. yasudah lah. tuts tuts tersebut membentuk menjadi sebuah lagu dan perempuan tersebut mulai bernyanyi.
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl
You always had to be
Conceal, don't feel
Don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
Up here in the cold thin air
I finally can breathe
I know I left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieve
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let it go
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
Standing frozen in the life I've chosen
You won't find me, the past is all behind me
Buried in the snow
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let it go
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
Plok plok plok plok. aku menepuk tanganku lalu perempuan itu menghadap kedepan. dan ternyata dia adalah..
And Now I Understand
Ficção Adolescente•Abeliya• Dan kini aku tau bagaimana rasanya sakit hati, ketika orang yang kau cintai mencintai orang lain. •Adeli...