Part 14

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I sigh and roll over. My eyes drift to my clock. 3:45 am.  I can't sleep, so I decide to go out for a walk. I throw a hoodie on, and sneak outside. The cold air makes me gasp. I walk down the road I usually take to go to Millie's, and up ahead through the fog, I see a lump laying on the road. I run up to it to see what it is. I collapse, my heart shattering into a million pieces.
"Millie!" I wail, my voice echoing. I run and plop myself down on my knees next to her, tears pouring out of my eyes.
"Millie! Are you okay? Can you hear me? Millie?" I repeat, praying for a sign.
Out of instinct, I grab her wrist, and feel for a pulse. It's there, but it's faint. I spaz out and rip my phone out of my pocket and call 911.
"Hi, my name is Finn Wolfhard and I'm outside with my friend Millie and she's unconscious, and I think she's covered in vomit. She's not waking up, and she's really pale and cold. Please HELP ME! I'm right on Cicada street near Glen Ave. Please come help." I say, trying to be calm. I quickly unzip my sweatshirt and wrap it around Millie, using all the knowledge I have.
"I'm here Millie. Just hold on a little longer." I whisper in her ear. Suddenly she sits up, gasping for air and holding her chest, and leans over and vomits, but it looks more like blood than vomit. I scream.
"Millie!" I choke, tears streaming down my cheeks as my whole body shakes.
All she does is lay her head in my lap and stare up at me.  She doesn't speak, she just stares up at me. Her eyes speak for her.
'Help me, please Finn. Help me.' Her eyes speak for themselves. I stare down at her as I hear the siren of the ambulance come crashing down the street at full speed. I see the blurred beams of red and blue lights through my teary eyes. I wave my hands around frantically, trying to get the ambulance to hurry. The big white truck skids to a stop and 2 men in blue uniforms come out of the drivers and passenger seat and run over to us, while another takes a stretcher out of the back and runs over and lifts Millie onto it. As she gets lifted away, all she does is give me those eyes that are begging me to save her. I collapse onto the gravely road in sobs.
"Hey kid, who can I call? For your mom or dad?" one of the men in the uniforms pokes at me with his toe.
"M-mom." I cough, still unable to comprehended everything.
"Use my phone." I hiccup, handing the man my phone with the contact for my mom open. I listen to the man's side of the phone conversation.
"I have your son here ma'am. You should come get him. We're on cicada street. Yes, this is Dr. Llewelyn from the hospital." I cry even harder when I see my moms headlights pulling up in front of me.  She flies out of the car and picks me up in her arms like a baby.
"Honey, we're going to the hospital now.. calm down. She'll be okay. " my mom whispers as she plops me down in the backseat. We pull out of cicada street, and I just lay in the backseat and cry, unable to speak.

HI! Omg we hit 500 reads and it's unreal. Thank you guys so much for reading this so far. I hope you're enjoying! Sorry this chapter is short, but it needed to be. Next chapter will be big and eventful. ❤️

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