Part 19

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It feels good to be home. I just feel safer at home and I don't like being in the hospital. Last year when I was in and out of the hospital, everything was so different and chaotic and I just felt like a time bomb, ready to explode at any minute and destroy everything in my path. Finn changed that for me though. Now I feel like I'm falling from cloud 9 every second I'm with him, and he makes me glad to be alive.
I'm laying on the couch when I hear a knock on my front door. I jump up and walk to the door and open it to see a sad Finn standing in the doorway. His lips are trembling as if he's fighting a wave of sobs. His eyes are about to overflow with sorrow when he sees me.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask softly.
"JACK HATES ME!" he wails, burying his head into my shoulders and shaking.
"Shhh it's okay. Come in and sit. Let's talk." I suggest, as he peels himself off me. He surprisingly hasn't burst into crying yet. He's just shaky.
"So, what's going on? Why does he hate you?" I ask, my voice sounding a little softer than usual.
"He- he- he- found out that we're dating and he's so mad because I told him I wouldn't go behind his back." he squeaks.
"Oh, Finny, it's okay. Take a deep breath." I rub his back as I feel him inhale and exhale slowly, following my suggestion.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you, if he's a true friend, he wouldn't care and he'd be happy for you. Maybe he's not a real friend. Have you tried explaining any of that to him?" I look deep into his eyes.
"Yes and he won't listen." he says sadly. I frown.
"Well, maybe let's give him some space. Yeah?" I ask, reaching out and putting my hand on his.
"Yeah." He chokes on his own words. He's still holding back tears.
"Do you need to cry?" I ask. He stares into my eyes.
"Why would I need to cry? Do you think I'm just a wimp?" he hisses suddenly. I jump a little.
"N-no, I'm just saying sometimes it makes you feel better. " I try to ease his aggression.
"Ugh you're so annoying sometimes Millie." his words sting like blades.
"Why are you being this way? I'm just trying to help and you're lashing out." I can feel my cheeks getting hot.
He narrows his eyes at me.
"Because you never really loved me! You just used me as support because you're a sick, twisted girl and you know it!" his voice breaks.
"What do you mean? I honestly have no idea what's gotten into you but those words hurt, Finn." I say, praying I don't start crying in the middle of my sentence.
"Oh don't act like you don't know!" he narrows his eyes at me.
"What?" I have no idea what he is talking about.
He pulls out his phone.
" Look what Gaten sent me! " he holds the phone up for me to read the screenshot.
Dustinlikespudding: Hey does Millie really like Finn?
Schnapposis: no she told me she only likes jack. She's just using Finn, and I don't know how he hasn't figured it out yet.

I start to shake. Everything in that screenshot is so untrue.
"That's not true at all!" I gasp, desperate for him to believe me.
"You know what Millie?" he hisses. I don't even want to hear what he has to say, because it will probably hurt.
"What?" I ask, biting my lip, trying not to cry and be strong.
"I hate you and I wish I never ever met you! I wish my friends dared me to prank call someone else! You're just a mistake and you take advantage of everyone!" He preaches.
I suddenly can't see straight. My eyes fill with tears as I collapse in front of him in a heaping pile of sobs.
"That's the worst thing you've ever said Finn Wolfhard! I did nothing to you!" I choke. He just stands there and watches what he's created.
"You're the worst person on earth! I can't believe I thought you loved me!" a single tear slips from his eye. I cough, and to my surprise, it's red. But I ignore it.
"Please can we talk this out?" I choke again, looking up at him from the floor where I'm sitting. It's hard to breathe all the sudden and I can feel my whole body get tense. I cough up more blood and Finn's eyes go wide. I reach for the edge of the table to stand up, but my knees buckle and I fall back down. Everything goes black.

"You're the worst person on earth! I can't believe I thought you loved me!" was the last thing I ever got to say to Millie Brown. When she and I got in that argument, which was entirely my fault, she had heart failure and died. Because of me. I killed her, with my stupid words. When she had the flare up on my road, before they let her go home they told her to not do anything that increases heart rate, and when we fought, her heart was pounding. So because of my stressful words, she couldn't handle it, and she died right in front of my eyes. Her funeral is tomorrow, and I'm going. I can't live with myself. I cost my girlfriend her life. Millie was a popular girl, and when the school found out what happened, nobody's talked to me since. My life has been a living pit of hell ever since she died. She was my everything, and I wish I believed her when she told me the screenshot wasn't true. Her poor fragile heart couldn't handle what I was doing to her, and that's a fact that will haunt me for the rest of my life. Noah, Caleb, and Gaten haven't talked to me since they heard the news. Jack shut himself in his room when he found out and hasn't come out yet. Kelly, Millie's mom, wanted to sue me and my family, but her husband talked her out of it. April 23rd, Millie was pronounced dead. It was the worst day of my entire life. If I wasn't so stupid she wouldn't have died. I'm going to tie this note to a balloon and send it up. : Millie Brown, if you're reading this up in heaven, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about every single possible thing there is to be sorry about. I'm sorry about the time when I scared you when you woke up because I was staring at you because you're so cute, and I'm sorry for the time I kissed you and you weren't expecting it. I wish I could've kissed you so many more times. I hope you know I will not be able to live with myself knowing that I killed you because I didn't know when to shut my damn mouth. And I'm sorry that I didn't believe you. I'm sorry Millie, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. No matter how many times I say it, it won't bring you back to me. I'm the worst human on earth. I killed my girlfriend, because I didn't trust her. See how sick I am, Millie? I'm a monster and I'm sorry that you ever had to meet me in the first place. I ruin everyone's lives, so I knew it was only a matter of time before I wrecked yours too. I'm a mess, Millie. I hope you know. You didn't deserve any of this. I miss your lips, I miss your hair, I miss your small, beautiful hands, I miss your teeth, I miss your cheeks, I miss your chocolate eyes, I miss the smell of your clothes whenever I hugged you, I miss the taste of your chapstick, I miss your sweet little giggle, I miss the way your cheeks turn pink when I kissed you, I miss the times when you'd happy cry. You're so beautiful, and I don't know how someone like you could ever love someone like me. I'm sorry.
I love you more than words can say.
Finn Wolfhard.

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