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That's officially the end of the story. I'm sorry if this upset anyone.  I wrote this story for a reason. The reason is: live every day like it's your last, and never forget what you have. In the story, Finn took Millie for granted, and Millie was innocent. This proves that what you say can affect someone in a permanent way. So every single person reading this story, please say "I love you" to whoever you can, as much as you can. And please, always talk things out. There's always a solution. I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm sorry about the plot twist.
I cried so hard writing this last chapter omg. I didn't think I'd cry but oh boy I was wrong. Thank you guys for endless support throughout this whole journey. I love you all. Please comment what you think. Xoxo, Alexis 💙💖

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