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"Take it easy down there, gramps

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"Take it easy down there, gramps. We can't have you busting a hip," Elizabeth teased as Steve prepared to jump out of the jet.

"Seriously, Cap, be careful. This guy's different from the guys we're all used to fighting," Elizabeth said, her tone serious.

"I'll do my best, ma'am," Steve said, nodding curtly before flipping off the back of the ramp, soaring into the air like a bald eagle.

Elizabeth climbed into the seat next to Natasha.

"Be careful? Really?" Natasha scoffed.

"Shut up, Tasha," Elizabeth said playfully, nudging Natasha.

"Liz, you totally have the hots for him," Natasha said, looking out the front windshield at the scene below them.

"I do not," Elizabeth snapped defensively.

People were kneeling in the streets at the mercy of Loki. He had somehow projected himself into four areas at once, containing the crowd. Loki seemed to find enjoyment in the emotional torture. He seemed unphased by Captain America showing up in the crowd, trying to do the right thing and stop Loki from killing innocents.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down," Natasha ordered from the quinjet.

Loki scoffed.

"Let me rephrase, drop your weapon or I fill your ass with lead," Elizabeth said harshly, aiming the jet's machine gun at Loki.

A satisfied smile occupied Loki's face. He lifted his staff, sending a blast of luminescent blue rays at the jet.

"Shit," Elizabeth said as the ball of light hurtled towards them.

Natasha swerved out of the way, giving Cap time to take advantage of the distraction. He threw his shield at Loki, hitting him in the stomach.

Neither Natasha nor Elizabeth could properly aim at Loki. He was everywhere at once.

"This guy's all over the place," Natasha sighed angrily.

Suddenly, Shoot to Thrill overrode the speakers of the quinjet.

"What the hell?" Elizabeth exclaimed, confused as to why AC/DC was blasting from her speakers.

"Hey, Lizzie, did you miss me? Agent Romanoff, I can promise you I didn't miss you," a familiar voice said over her earpiece.

Hiraeth ☞ s. rogersWhere stories live. Discover now