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She snapped her back a little to get rid of all the sweats dripping down her neck, she waved her pallu on her face trying to grasp any amount of air to relax her frustrated nerves.

It was still ticking nine am on her black cheap leather watch and she was already tired.

Her pallu dropped down her hand as she securely held her backpack in front of her chest as the crowd pushed her body to move. In the khadi chappals she bought last year, she could barely rush and there was a time when she would actually trip on her way by her own self.

Exiting the local railway station of Mulund, Anu fastened her speed, it took her next fifteen minutes of walk to reach the District Library she worked in. The old two-storey building with wavering brown mist, all of it made her feel retro.

She dropped half-smile to Renu, an old Maharashtrian librarian. Draped in local saree and high bun of her ombre hair Renu nodded softly at Anu.

Anu walked to the right end of the library, dropping her bag on the old ancient broken shelf, she sat down on the floor covered with maroon carpet. She contemplated around to look for something which could busy her because she knew it well that when Kindle is on hype and cheaper, why would people walk to an old antiquated yet aesthetic library with ten thousand books, brushing with the smell of pages and waiting impatiently for someone to open it, read it and savour it.

Drinking the water from her old pale pink water bottle, she walked to the Librarian. 

There were only two souls in this two-storey library. Last month when Anu agreed to do dusting too with her usual job of guiding the visitors, Renu being any materialistic women of India snapped off the two helpers of the library from work and paid Anu instead.

 "I think I shall do the last block?" Anu asked picking up the dusting brush.

"There are two pending issues, I would deliver them in the next two hours." Renu worked out her plan.

 Even in the early 60s, Renu knew how to ride her yellow scooty across the busy street of Mumbai.

"Sure." Anu nodded as she walked to the last block.


It was past noon when Anu rushed towards the main ancient door with an arch, she was shocked as it was rare for people to visit the library these days. Renu was out, delivering the issued books to respective old friends of hers and Anu was supposed to look over the library.

Dressed in a grey shirt tucked inside the black pants, the man looked young, in his twenties. 

Unconsciously Anu dusted her dress as she tried looking presentable in those microseconds, it was rare for her to encounter any kind of men and rarest when they look like of her own age group, it was always girls or old couples at the doors of the library.

"Uh..yes?" she raised her eyebrows slightly with a small smile.

"I..Does Anushka Singh works here?" His voice was small and troubled.

 Her brows frowned and lips turned upside down, why was this good looking young man asking about her.

"I am Anushka." She nodded, her smile faded

."Oh." he nodded with an understanding. 

His gaze unwantedly fell on her body, dressed in a light kurta and churidar, she looked way too young for his work.

"Can we talk?" he stated regaining his composer when she shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't.....why?" she trailed off, not even moving an inch.

"IVF Spain Hospital directed me your number and address," he said and she snapped back to reality.


Her steps short behind him as they walked through the small cafe, the lights orangish as theme brown dwelled her. She knew she would never be able to afford it, but she knew it wasn't her who was going to pay. It was half-past five already, she needed to be done with this meeting before the sunset, she didn't want to travel to her home in the dark.

He cleared his throat as soon as he pulled a chair for her, her gaze short as she nodded sitting. 

He took the place across her after ordering two cups of coffee. 

"I am Dhruv." He tapped a little as she nodded.

"I want your consent on this, are you ready Miss?" His voice short. He could feel her face scrunched, her nose was red, her eyes down on the table mat as she tapped her chappals on the floor. She was nervous and it was evident. 

He looked at she shifted, breathed in and out twice before keeping her palms down on the table. She looked up and stared straight in his eyes.

"I haven't done this.. you know." She said as she breathed her in and tried voicing out, her voice now stronger.

"Me too." he nodded.

" Okay, when do we start?" She asked once the waiter kept the two white chimed cups on the table. The brewing hot coffee snuggling the cup.


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