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Anushka held her little bump, trying to protect it from the word itself. There was a life growing inside her, her baby. She stepped back afraid of what this stranger would do to her.

"Do you realise what that blood did to my family?" Dhruv voice was hoarse as he pointed out at her.

"He raped my sister every day. " His voice breaking as he sat on the couch afraid to say anything.

"Don't Abort," Anushka whispered as she sat on the floor.

The room went deep into silence as the air gripped the cries of Anushka and sound of the fan. She had bent her face on her knees as she curled into a ball. 

She tried keeping her eyes open when her head swirled and her breathing grew uneven. She was scared he might abort the baby if she gets unconscious. Only, if it was up to her.

Her vision grew darker as she trembled and her body slumped down with a thud.


Dhruv gazed at Anushka as soon as the doctor has left her room. Her daughter dressed in a blue skirt and white top was sitting beside her mother reading her favourite rhymes to her mother. Dhruv stared at the little girl for another ten minutes until the girl herself slept beside her mother. Her hair falling on her eyes as her soft snore felt melodious to him.

He sat down thinking of how everything went wrong. It was all going good, he was keeping his distance with Anushka to not get too attached with her and trying to be there for her when necessary but everything came to halt when he realised who she was and after his disgusting word, 'abort'. 

Anushka stirred in sleep when Dhruv rushed by her side, ready to apologize to her as soon as she wakes up from her slumber. Her gaze tired, as she trying sitting up without waking her daughter. Dhruv forwarded her a glass of water when she secured her hand around her stomach, her gaze shot up at Dhruv who slightly shook his head and she heaved a sign.

Drinking the water Anushka kept the glass on the table.

It took her next ten minutes to compose herself, and it took him another ten minutes to prepare how he would apologize.

"I had a friend called Mehak, she was a year elder than me but started school with me. She was an orphan, stayed in orphanage closest to our house." Anushka traced her fingers on the texture of the blanket.

"She was so sweet and happy for an orphan that we became a very good friend."Anushka smiled at the remembrance of Mehak, she could barely remember that innocent face.

"When we were around 14, she told me how she wishes to live a day away from orphanage like any normal girl. I requested my parents and they talked with the management of orphanage of how to allow Mehak for a one day, day out with us."

"That day was fun, we played games, helped my mother to cook food, talked like family but by the end of the day my mother required few things, she requested us to come with her. Mehak requested to sleep as she used to be busy in orphanage making handicrafts thing and usually don't sleep in the noon. We agreed and went to market."

"We returned and had a usual dinner, without my brother. It was usual as he was always out."

"And the next day we left her to her place." A sob escaped her lips as she tightened her fingers around the blanket.

"He raped her when we were out. He raped her multiple times and threatened her. She was alone whole night even after me sleeping beside her. I could not do anything, I never knew or tried to understand what happened." Anushka cried.

"It was after her baby bump was visible from far the people of orphanage threw her out, I thought she was growing fat because she was eating a lot, but when she came to our place and cried in front of my parents we concluded how our family member ruined the life of this innocent girl."

"My brother was already out for college and my parents threatened him, and being scared or out of anything he never returned our place. While Mehak stayed with us for a few months before delivering Maira."

"Due to less money we lost Mehak in the operation but we had Maira, my parents took care of her and I was her mother from starting but after my parent's death, she was my responsibility. I enrolled her in the hostel to ensure proper care of her." Her eyes still on the blanket. She never looked up.

"I know you don't trust this rapist's sister but please trust me on this, Maira barely remembers my parents, all she has is me as memory and as reality." She finally looked up.

"She was so small when she saw me losing my parents, she cooperated and stayed at the hostel. She is young, very young but way more mature. She is my life Dhruv, I won't be able to live without her." She cried out joining her hands in prayer.

Dhruv hushed her but his mind was growing numb with the harsh reality hitting him badly. The man who ruined so many lives was roaming outside, having his joy. Dhruv could not digest this disgusting fact as he hushed Anushka.

"I want you to find him,Dhruv." Her voice soft as if she read his mind.

. . .


Instagram -ssayswhatt

 I want to completed this story this month.I might take this story down next month.So,yeah enjoy it for now! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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