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Her eyes dried up by looking continuously at the TV. It was the second day after the visit to the doctor with Dhruv and it has been a while that she breathed fresh air or walked on the wet grass or even heard of anybody else than her companion in the suite.

Turning off the television she jumped off the bed and walked out of the room trying to escape boredom and loneliness. She better knew that she is not going to talk to Dhruv but at least she can talk to herself, can walk around and finally capture something new rather than her boring bedroom, white duvet, and the television with channels showing most of the Spanish TV shows and football matches. And ah, the kindle which reminds her of the smell of her novels.

She was dressed in a pastel-coloured summer dress, her hair tangled over her shoulder, her eyes dried up and pale, her skin void of any makeup. She already left like a patient.

Her loafers slapping on the floor as she yawned while walking inside the living room, her yawn audible to the walls and to the ears sitting on the couch with a pile of files and bunch of papers.

She slightly gazed at him while picking the water bottle from the dine, his forehead jewelled with wrinkles and a slight frown, as he nervously tapped his shoes. His hand passing through every paper which was around everywhere.

Clearing her throat, she never knew when she was walking towards him, trying to help him.

"Hey!" His eyes tired as he slapped his cheek slightly and gave a pale smile to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked instead as she walked further towards him.

"Work," He started getting back to his work with a small shrug.

"Do you need help?" And that's when his head snapped, his frown deepened.

"Would you?" He asked rather unsure if she just asked to help him.

"That is what I said." Her eyes rolling back with annoyance.

"Okay, Okay. It would be fine if you could just arrange the papers in ascending order. Till that time I guess I will sleep." he yawned and she nodded forcing a small smile.

She was very glad that he was going to sleep, she was determined to not talk to him more than necessary and it was best, the work would also keep her busy rather than being bored.

Her fingers working on arranging the papers when her gaze fell on him, disturbed by his soft snore. His arms wrapped around his torso as he slept on the couch, his legs folding by his knees to adjust his large figure on the small couch.

Snapping herself she tried gaining back her attention to small letters written at the top of the papers. She could not understand how this mess was created.

It took her more than an hour to arrange the things back at its place, she arranged the files in a systematic way too before cleaning the area.

"Hey." She called out, her voice raspy.

He didn't even bulge and that is when she decided to shook him. Her hands travelling down his muscular biceps, with trembling palms she pushed his biceps slightly and tried gaining his attention. Pushing back and forth she shook him violently as he woke up with a snap, scared that someone might have broken into the house.

"What happened?" His voice scared as he looked around making her control her smile at his childish behaviour.

"It's done."She said as he nodded yawning.

"Thank you." He smiled beautifully before getting back to the files.

"Eh! Anushka " he called out when he saw her standing up to walk back to somewhere.

"I am sorry, really sorry Anushka. You are my responsibility here and I am not supposed to be this careless with you howsoever I am angry. I am just sorry, and I promise all of this won't be repeated." His voice was soft as he looked into her eyes.

She nodded softly before walking out to have a seat on the grass and to ponder again on her life.


She smiled sadly before slapping down her mobile softly on the bed, her daughter was angry on her for calling after two weeks. She was sorry too but it was a coincidence that they never got time mutually to talk to each other. Sighing she dropped a small message to the warden to apologise to her daughter that she will be out for another week too.

Dressed in a pink shirt and a pair of denim, she bit back her lips. She was going to be admitted today, the process of the whole IUI was going to start today, she will be undergoing different medical treatments laying on the hospital bed. She will be eating ugly Spanish medical foods and the foul smell of the hospital is going to kill her but out of all she wished to have comfort, maybe a hug to tell her it will be all good, she will be fine.

She gazed back at the door when Dhruv entered with a soft smile, he nodded softly as he walked towards her sitting beside her on her bed. She remained quiet, her mind was everywhere but at the man and his actions right now.

"It will be all alright." he murmured softly, his voice so low that she barely caught his words.

"I am just nervous." She trailed off.

"And scared. I am too." he completed.

A lone tear rolled down her cheeks as she tried imagining what it would be like to have another life with her, inside her and then she had to give out the baby to someone else, far from her. It was so difficult for her now, she cannot imagine what it would be like later.

She felt his arms as he took hold of her shoulder, pulling her slightly towards him into a soft and warm side hug where they maintained the required distance, her tears getting soaking his shirt on his shoulder as she wiped it softly.

"I am just, what if all of it went wrong." She asked scared.

"It won't. " he tried being optimistic and tried not thinking about it.

"Let's go." He said as he took hold of her soft palm and pulled her to start for a new journey where biologically they both were going to be the part of the birth of their child who will be carrying their DNA's.

. . .


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